Okay, the following will be snipped, and you can read it later. I'm only updating today, because I feel I need to rant. Badly.
ARGH! I HATE POLITICS!! I'm Republican, and thus I support Bush and what he is for. What I am really getting fuckin' annoyed of is the fact the idiotic Liberals are being all 'GRR HATE BUSH HE HATES EVERYBODY BECAUSE HE HATES GAYS!!! GrrOMGWTF!!!111'. Now, grant it. I'm not a hard core Repub. I have a tendency to not want to offend anyone, which I'm sure everyone has. Just, I get really really really annoyed when people out of no where use facts to attack Bush. For example:
X person says, "Hmmm Jebb Bush is Bush's relative wonder why there was all that trouble...."
That's the thing that really gets on my nerves. People spouting off things that they have yet to PROVE to me with hardcore facts. Not something like: He said she said.
Actual literal FACTS! Not bullshit. FACTS! How many friggin' times do I have to repeat it!? I don't care that you knew someone's uncles' friend's dog's old sex-mate's owner's cousin's ex that lost someone to Bush's HATE WAR OHNOEZ! If it has no effect on it. If you have no friggin' family that is in there, don't sob over someone else's loss. I know it sounds heartless, but don't use that as your defence. They chose to be in the army and they were prepared for this. SNARL!
Done ranting. I warned you. ^_^