Mar 21, 2002 01:02
I'm writing in my journal alot lately because I'm pretty sure my computer is gonna get sold. Soon my computer will be downloading free mp3's from some loanly dorm room.
I cleaned my room and my closet. It looks so clean. I don't know what to do with myself. I get about two hours to myself before work. My apartment isn't a home with a funny work schedual, It's a place to sleep and clean youself up for work.
Then you got to go to work and put on a fake smile and hang on to every stupid word the customer says. They demand free movies because it skips for twenty secconds ten minutes in to the movie. In my head i'm thinking "YOU RENTED GLITTER, DON'T OWN UP TO THAT." On the out side I let them switch out for another movie. Chances are she watched ten minutes of the movie, didn't want to watch it, then brought it back.
People are stupid, and the worst part about it is they think they are better than me cause I'm a young clerk, and they're self employed (making straw dolls and geting fat for a living). To make thing's worse after work I didn't have a ride, so I had to walk. Luckly my friend liana was getting back from a concert. She gave me a ride. she's so cool.
I got offered a six hour shift at a new store. I took it so, I hope I wont have to deal with half the idiots (regulars) that come in and try to be my friend because I suggested a good movie (Momento) and steired them clear of the shit movies (half the store). I also got offered some money to do alittle freelance locksmithing for my roomie's work.
I'm supposed to get a call from Katie at 8:16.
I'm also going to conduct an experiment on myself. I don't want to gross any one out but no "self gratification" for as long as I can last. Stupid... You bet, but I'm curious to how long I can last. Don't worry I wont post the results of this experiment.
I just realised All I had to eat today was popcorn and a fuit punch. So I'm gonna eat.