(previous personal myspace bulletin)
http://www. encyclopediadramatica. com/Anabelle_Lotus This broad brought it on herself.
Using HER OWN DAUGHTERS DEATH to con free shit and tickets out of her ~favorite band~
"ya'll never sent me my shirts and tickets..."
OH then she blames the HOSPITAL for KILLING her baby? WHUUU?
She didn't even know she was pregnant until she was SIX MONTHS ALONG because she was too busy smokin' dem erbz an poppin dem xanexz.
And its the HOSPITALS FAULT her child died? *facepalm*
stop worrying about global warming. We share a planet with people like this.
I am disgusted.
I now give you a copy pasta porn:
people like you are what's wrong with the world today
you disgust me. seriously. i had no fucking idea that white trash as ignorant as you existed, and i am from Tennessee, for Christ's sakes!!!! i get that you are all into icp and shit. to each his own. but you could have thought of a more respectful way to represent your obsession than disgracing and humiliating YOUR DAUGHTER at her own funeral. put a sticker on your shirt, or say a little something- but to plaster bullshit all over YOUR DAUGHTER'S casket?? to dress YOUR DEAD DAUGHTER up in hatchetgear?? to wear a fucking hoodie and tennishoes to YOUR DAUGHTER'S FUNERAL?? to play music with obscene lyrics at YOUR DAUGHTER'S FUNERAL?? to post a bulletin on myspace advertising YOUR DAUGHTER'S FUNERAL like it's a fucking fundraiser?? calling that radio station and changing the subject back to the merchandise you never received when they were trying to give their condolences to you for LOSING YOUR DAUGHTER?? i just don't know what turns my stomach more!! it is every humans right in this day and age to think for themselves, make their own decisions, and decide who they want to be and what they want to believe in. i hope you feel like shit for taking that away from your baby girl! you disrespected her in the most horrific way possible. and for what? for a fucking band?!?!?! grow the fuck up!! they have said in their own shit that all the crazy bullshit is just a joke, and not to take is seriously. how the hell someone as obsessed with them as you could miss that blows my fucking mind!! you must be one ignorant sack of shit. you say there was a medical error- BULLSHIT!!! YOU FAT NASTY JUNKIE WHORE!! YOU KILLED YOUR BABY!!! ya know, maybe it's just a hunch, but seems like xanax might be pretty detrimental to a fetus. your myspace page says all kinds of shit about how you sit around, play video games, listen to music, and do drugs all day. what do you contribute to society???? not a goddamned thing!! are you educated?? do you have a job?? i highly fucking doubt it if you're fixated on a fucking band like your 13 goddamned years old and morbidly obese to the point you did not even know you were pregnant until 6 months after you conceived!! i am your age, 22. i have a bachelors degree, am working on a research study who's goal is to help people in the future, and am going back to school in the fall for my masters degree. i bet you dont even have a high school diploma, you stupid cunt. you are a disgrace to mankind. people like you should not be allowed to breed. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE WORLD TODAY. YOU SIT ON YOUR FAT LAZY ASS ALL DAY AND DON'T DO SHIT BUT EAT, FUCK, SHIT, TAKE UP SPACE, AND WASTE OUR AIR. you make me ashamed to be a human. i literally am embarrassed to be of the same species as you. i am sorry that you lost your daughter, but i am glad that she was spared the misery of living her whole life knowing she had someone like you as a mother. she would have grown up to be an ignorant cunt, just like you. she never would have even had a chance to be a respectable human being. so why don't you do the whole world a favor, stop fucking up the world around you, and just kill yourself??? the human race would be very appreciative....