Please leave your opinions of my performance of the good Doctor below. I am always looking to improve the portrayal of one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
lastvoyages, Hannibal has unfortunately already started a list of the Free Range Rude, ie those whom he'll probably end up killing or driving to suicide at some point. He has occupied himself a great deal with art since arriving, and has begun making portraits of his Bargemates as part of a larger protect.
Beatty burns books. Enough said.
Blonsky wants Hannibal dead as a result of Will's "grand reveal" of Hannibal's crimes to everyone on the Barge. Hannibal views him as a stupid, directionless attack dog who will likely do him violence in the future. He awaits the attack with a certain calm, knowing that death is temporary here...but determined to revenge himself if it happens.
Jonathan Crane basically just trolled the wrong person. Hannibal views him as "my new Chilton"--yet another inadequate, mentally unstable, desperate-to-dominate fool of a mental health professional. Verbal provocation caused a sort of childlike regression that was unsatisfying; Hannibal is now giving thought to chewing out his tongue.