[open spam for hallways]

Oct 25, 2011 20:44

[Immediately after being driven away from that book-burning filth by his spectacularly misguided Warden, Hannibal found himself walking rapidly through the hallways. He had the manner of a man in a hurry, a man with a purpose. Inside, however, he was boiling over with rage.]

[Books. His prized library at his Chesapeake home. The first editions he had bought at auction and had lovingly restored. Back further: his parents' last few boxes of their beloved books, rifled through by the soldiers and burnt for warmth. Forward a bit: his tiny library in the prison, which was taken from him whenever Chilton wanted to feel a jolt of spiteful power. Books.  He had contributed to them, smuggled them, devoured them in half a dozen different languages. Had he been a dragon, that would be his hoard.]

[And Beatty lived to destroy them, and his Warden...did nothing...would do nothing...acted like it was something insignificant. Had he no sense of history? No thought for the effect of such an act on others? No consideration for the need to preserve humanity's intellectual legacy in the face of waxing ignorance?]

[Apparently not. And so, seething under a politely neutral expression, he stalked from floor to floor, seeking something he wasn't likely to find--peace in the face of a deep injustice].

let me keep my books, urbane rage, hannibal is not safe today, the rude list

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