I have this weird new favourite
place for hanging out.. It's on top of this huge hill beside Hurdman Station that's basically an old garbage dump covered in tall grass, milkweed and wildflowers :( There is a network of beaten paths criscrossing it and someone kindly carried an old picnic table up there. Lately I go over there and sit for a while, it's usually completely deserted and there's a great view of the city. Sometimes a person will walk by with their dog, but maybe just one person during the whole time of being there.
I was eating chocolate and reading the newspaper in the sun and it felt like the most luxurious thing ever, but now I'm regretting it..
When I was walking back from there with my giant instrument case which that old man termed the "burden of proof" lately, I just started walking along the highway and a man in a luxury car stopped and offered to drive me home, even if it was only a 30 second drive away. It's weird, because if I had decided to walk on my own (parallel) apartments-street, I can guarantee that no one would have stopped to offer me a ride even if I was carrying an entire piece of furniture. (And I have before.) But somehow on the highway I guess it looks more pitiable to be walking with something heavy; god knows how far the person would be walking..