LJ Interests meme results
- beach:
I love the beach, I need the beach. I can't live without being near it. I used to drive to the beach almost once a week when I lived in gainesville, because I just needed to smell it, and hear it. - cannes:
This place rocked in austrailia. It was like another Cocoa Beach, without Ron Jons or Cocoa beach Surf Company. The people were awesome, and the mall had a lot of fun things to do! - emus:
they are evil, but I am obsessed with them for some reason. When my ex and I were in Texas, we went on a "safari" and one almost got his head cut off in the window... he was trying to eat my ex's privates! - guttermouth:
Hilarious punk band that I enjoy for their stupidity and creativeness - mick fanning:
My favorite surfer, from oz. Love him, followed him from the beginning. Ooooh, he's HOT too! - pennywise:
upset because I missed their concert in Orlando. Couldn't find anyone to go with. Then life got in the way. Definently enjoy their music, and message - rusty:
they made my favorite bathing suit. - slipknot:
Love the band, love the anger. - sydney:
One of the most beautiful cities I have ever been to. It was great. The people were so nice! They have Duckbill Platypus' in the aquarium! - tool:
Awesome band. Music is very important to me. Some of these songs are just so wring, like prison sex
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