Jan 12, 2004 16:25
I feel like crap, I think I am coming up with something... My head hurts, I'm dizzy and I feel pain in all my body, as if I was running a fever but I don't feel cold or shivery like usual... All I know is that I don't feel good and I wanna go home and take a nice nappie.
It started last night, I could feel my throat hurting, but very deep inside. This morning I woke up sniffly but I don't have a cold (not yet at least)
Someone put me out of my misery please... hehe
Random bitchy comment: There are voices that just manage to piss me off royally for no apparent reason. I have discovered that Alicia Keys' voice is one of them. Everytime she goes "AHHH" like someone's doing her from behing, ARGH, I just want to rip her vocal chords out of her throat or something.
I hate her songs too, not only her voice. (Anneke, if you like her, I swear I will personally go to your house and torture you with a feather. ;D )
Anyways... yeah.
stupid people,