Mar 17, 2005 22:52
feeling as if life has already past me by.. and i am living life in a vision out of the eyes of life as it would be if i were still alive , with emotions still going but not real.. still aging without matter how many times i die.. the cycle will repeat until i am ready to see death for what it really is .. so when is the day i truly die.. when my brain shuts off and feelings will no longer exist.. visions blacked out..the day that all emotions run through me and burst out through my mouth in a last gasping breath...maybe i am dying as U Read these words written a long time ago.but for me, these are my last few seconds and I am running through all the lost memories i have had. making these final seconds feel like a lifetime. this will be just another lost memory that will one day flash before my eyes in a matter of seconds, and i'll be long gone before you all read this again. but in the last seconds of my death ill just be ending this all with a period.