Sep 01, 2005 13:02
I miss Trader Joe's! This has been inspried in part by two events in the servery this week. First, yesterday. A beautiful beautiful thing happened. There was avacado in the servery. Normally, if there is avacado product, it is this weird fake-looking and fake-tasting overly processed guacamole that is flavorless. Yesterday, it was a tiny checked breast, topped with a slice of tomato, a slice of real avacado, and a melted slice of parmesan cheese. I got two with the biggest avacodo slices they offered, and took the tomato, avacado and cheese off and ate those. I don't trust servery meat so i won't eat it. It was heavenly. Today i found out what they did with the left over chicken. Today it was seasame chicken. Same size, same shape as last night's. I wonder what happenned to the left over avacado. I was going to ask one of the servery workers if i could just get avacado tomato and cheese toasted without the chicken, but they all disappeared before I got the chance.
On a different note, we are going to be hosting Tulane students until Tulane is ready for classes again. I hope Jean Brinker comes! (she is the older sister of some ticktockers i know)
1400 Webster Street, uptown is under water I believe. Makes me sad. It was the gorgeous mansion we stayed in when we went to Mardi Gras. I still love you New Orleans!