
Oct 31, 2004 12:19

well im not really sure at all how to put into words what happened last night, but ill think about it and get back to you. but for the time being seeing as i have like locked myself in my room i needed something to keep me occupied so thus i filled out a survery that came from libby:

Name:: Candace Lee
Age:: 17
Gender:: girl
Birthday:: february 6th 1987
Nationality:: polish and russian

Hair colour:: dark dark brown almost blackish
Hair style:: shoulderish length
eye colour:: hazel green
Skin colour:: white
Height:: 5’5’’ but I like 5’6’’ better
Piercings:: 2 in each ear but I promise theres more to come
Usually Wears:: me clothes

Positive personality traits:: I suppose I can be amusing
Non-positive personality traits:: rather dependent, I don’t like being alone
Likes:: music, working, being with friends, basically anything that takes me away from my family
Dislikes:: my family, the whole going to college shit, being in school, being grounded, and the list goes on…
Fears:: clowns

.Family Life.
Lives with:: joan carl and carl jr, and apprently christina will be living with us for the next two weeks SUPER COOL!
Sibling(s):: christina, carl and (wayne)
Pet(s):: ive had a few in my day
Relationship with family:: I like my brother were getting along good now seeing as hes the only person in my house that doesn’t hate me.

:: a dream is a wish your heart makes ::

Your initials spell out: CLP
Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?: yes, and he died like ten mins after I got him because a man stepped on him
Do you eat Goldfish?: no
Your favourite birthday memory: ah last years birthday when I spent the night at my sisters house, haha good times.
Moment you're most proud of: ive got nothing… that’s extreamly sad.
Moment you're most ashamed of: my episode on 10/23/04, but sadly the list goes on…
Celebrity crush: jonny d, and vin himself
Non-celebrity crush: im liking the time ive been spending with mr johnson, but idk where its going

:: fill in the blanks ::

Pirates are: johnny d with eyeliner=HOT
Don't be fooled by: the stories
I'm too sexy for my: im afraid I got nothing for this one
Courtney Love is: wicked gay
I'd like another: life
I don't understand: myself
Where have all the good people: gone
Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.: ashton
Girls are: wicked annoying if your with them for more than like ten mins, other than the obvious exceptions
Boys are: good to have around
Only the _______ survive: smart

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
Whats his/her name?: -
Whats one word you could think of to describe them?: -
Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?: -
If you dont have a bf/gf, do you want one?: no, things have changed what can I say

Fav movie?: office space
Fav person you know?: my friends are my most favorite pple, id probally die without them
Fav food and drink?: I heart water
Fav shirt you own?: my black halter, hmmm
Fav place you've been to?: ohio, no lie it rocks
Fav colors?: yellow, black
Fav place to be?: anywhere that isnt home
Fav store?: used to be old navy, but im getting a little sick of seeing their stuff
Fav tv show: the oc
Fav song?: everything I do (I do it for you)-bryan adams

Pepsi or coke?: coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Internet or phone?: internet
McDonalds or Burger King?: neither
Eminem or 50 cent?: emeinem
Make up or no make up?: make up
Cat or dog?: dog
Spanish or French?: spanish
Lights on or lights off?: off
Hungry or full?: hungry
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?: hot chocolate

---are y0u---
Suicidal?: id never do it, but the thought has crossed my mind
Stubborn?: can be
Open-minded?: yeah
Arrogant?: not sure what that means
Patient?: almost never
Hyper?: almost always
Nice?: usually
Happy?: I try
Depressed?: within the past monthish I have been more down than usuall

---wh0 d0 y0u want t0---
Fuck?: ohhh it’s a secret!
Kiss?: the usual
Hurt?: I have a small list
Beat the shit out of?: the list gets smaller
Kill?: the list has one person on it now

---with the 0pp0site sex---
Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?: blue
Hair color?: brown or blonde
Curly or straight?: wavy is cute
Tall or short?: tall I liked mr 6’2’’ that was good
Pale tan or in the middle?: in the middle works

---w0uld y0u---
Shave your head for $1000?: make it 2 and it’s a deal
Cheat on your bf/gf?: not with the intention of hurting them
Eat a bug?: only if I for some reason didn’t know it was a bug
on fear factor?: sure
Kill yourself?: you never know
Cut yourself if you were depressed?: mabey
Turn goth?: nah im good like this
Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?: I wear a lot of guys clothes to begin with, but like go all out probally not

---have y0u ever---
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Had sex?: yes
Seen the same movie more than 5 times?: of course

Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?: rachel mabey a few others
Whos ur best friend of the same sex?: rachel steph my sister on a good day and libby, and gina can be good for some talks as well
Why?: cuz they make thinngs seem better than they really are, and I get the impression they might care about me
Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?: mike, pj theres a few more but I wouldn’t really talk about everything with them so
Funniest?: I they all amuse me
Stupidest?: haha id feel mean putting a name here
Nicest?: most of them
Best looking?: frank, yep for sure frank is the best looking out of the bunch
Craziest?: steph
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