"what are you for halloween? a dumb bitch?"-shane himself.

Oct 29, 2004 23:59

well its a friday, the friday before halloween. some pple dressed up today in school, bobo was a cow i thought it was really amusing. umm and then lets jump ahead to last period in which i carved a pumpkin and flung seeds at certain parties around me. then i went home and slept. i woke up around 630. took a shower and went to movie gallery to get a movie and mike was working which was a nice surprise. it sucks though i rented a movie i had already seen but forgot i saw. but thats okay. but i was supposed to head over to my sisters but i called her when i got back in the vehicle and i could hear lots of voices and some certain ones in particular so i decided to call pj and see what he was up to instead. so i went to his house and we watched the movie and such and then i got home a little while ago. all without my parents even noticing that i was gone, which is wicked dumb because their van was missing from the street, but mabey they just didnt notice and thought i was still sleeping. but hey, works for me. and as far as tomorrow goes, im an old navy bitch, working 1-10 vist me pple!
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