Trickster Problems 7/10

Feb 13, 2012 19:20

Title: Trickster Problems
Author: candylovinangel
Rating:PG or PG 13 at best
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel Dean/Gabriel possible Dean/Cas(Any one if you like to read between the lines)
Spoilers: Seen season 5? Then you're good
Warnings:I like writing cooky stuff sometimes
Word Count: 2612
Notes: Comments are love!
Summary: The true power of an Archangel is something one rarely ever sees.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4  Part 5  Part 6

Gabriel and Castiel arrived in the small town, both not able to be seen by the naked eye thanks to Gabriel, who grabbed his younger brother and pulled him into the cover of the nearest building even as a demon came around a corner. They both stood still as the demon stopped and stayed in his spot for a long moment before moving on.

“Brother,” Castiel whispered, “Can you sense them nearby?” Gabriel took a moment to respond, closing his eyes and searching through the not so surprisingly empty town.

“Only demons right now,” He said with a murmer as He and Castiel walked down the abandoned streets quietly, Gabriel ‘s eyes flicking around everywhere.

“I have an idea…” Gabriel muttered as they hid behind a building. Gabriel knew Dean would be pissed later if he ever found out, but Gabriel needed this to work. He pictured Dean and allowed himself to look like the mook and then looked to Castiel after making himself fully visible.

“So, whatcha think?” He asked Castiel who only smiled faintly.

“I think you would make a great twin for Dean,” He said as Gabriel smirked. Castiel followed Gabriel curiously to see what he would do as Gabriel picked up a stick and flipped it in the air, it becoming a perfect replica of the knife the boys carried with them. Gabriel looked back and smirked at Castiel who he could see raising his bow and shake his head, barely.

He ‘sneaked’ around, deliberately making sure a demon saw him as he went out into the street and looked around tying to seem very…’sneakish without realizing I’ve been spotted’. He noticed the demons had seen him and he ducked back into the alley and hid. He pulled out his sword right as they turned the corner and he smirked at them.

“Well, well well, if it isn’t Dean Winchester,” A demon with red-blonde-hair said, blue eyes flashing black. The five men behind her all grinned, their eyes also going black. What Gabriel hadn’t expected was for them to all look at each other and as one throw him against the nearest wall, Gabriel yelping at the combined force, even as he was thrown through wood…

He coughed as he ended up inhaling dust.

“How did you get out of that store, Winchester?” The female asked as she stepped in through the hole they had made in what Gabriel realized was the wall of a church.

“Store…? Heh, I was able to slip past you morons, you really think I’d give away how I did that?” He asked, deliberately taunting them with a laugh even as they pulled the same stuff again, slamming him through walls and trying to interrogate him.

Gabriel finally got up with a smile and spat out blood.

“Fine, you want to know?” He closed his eyes and then focused then throwing back his head and opening his mouth and eyes, his grace that he allowed to show burning their eyes out, his true voice shattering their ear drums.

They all crumpled to the ground as Gabriel smirked, snapping his fingers and killing them all. He felt bad for the now formerly possessed hosts and restored their sight and hearing before moving on. Castiel, he noticed dimly, was still following, carefully passing over the rubble. He wandered through the alleys before he finally located Sam and Dean’s life forces, and even as he turned the corner he knew that there was a shitload of demons.

“Castiel, get in there somehow,” He growled to his out of sight brother, who reluctantly followed his command as Gabriel took out a fake colt and made it work exactly like the real one. He pulled back the hammer and pulled the trigger, shooting the nearest demon in the head. Oh how quickly the heads turned as that demon fell dead.

“Hello boys and gals,” Gabriel said calmly, smiling ruthlessly.  They looked at each other and started laughing before the all decided to try and throw him. Oh, they threw him, but not far, only a few feet, and they all looked confused even as Gabriel smirked and held up the colt again and started shooting them down one by one. Finally though they mustered up enough power to actually throw him through the wall of the nearby store, and damn did it hurt. He hadn’t expected them to manage that with him actually resisting them. He was slammed into the closest isle and knocked it over with a crash even as there were yells of shock.

“Sam! Salt the hole! Qu-Holy shit it’s me!” Dean yelped as Gabriel got up and looked to Dean, Dean’s face was covered in cuts and there was still blood running down from them even as Gabriel got his footing.

“You’re gonna kill me later…” He muttered as he became himself, looking at the anger that flashed across Dean’s face.

“Dude, what the hell?!” Dean yelped as Sam hurriedly re-salted the lines, but Gabriel shrugged Dean aside and the wings seemed to extend from his vessel’s back as Gabriel decided, it was time to smite them all, without taxing his vessel…


Dean, Sam and Castiel watched as Gabriel’s vessel fell limply to the ground and there was a high pitched tone and Castiel yelled for them all to duck and close their eyes and cover their ears. Dean and Sam tackled Castiel to the ground, shutting their eyes and covering their ears, but even then the blast of burning white light and the yells still got through to them.

Sam got up first and dodged around fallen shelves and items, hurrying over to the limp man on the ground and felt for a pulse.

“What the hell is he doing?!” Dean yelled over the screams of demons.

“I’ve told you before, Dean! The arch angels are the most ferocious weapons Heaven has! He has to be in his true form to wreck so much havoc and damage or he’d kill his vessel if he did it while still in him!” Castiel said as Sam picked up the poor unfortunate soul that had to deal with Gabriel, brushing a strand of loose hair from his face as he brought him to where Dean and Castiel stood, putting him down on the floor there carefully.

The man opened his eyes, which were still their soft hazel, though much softer without Gabriel giving them smug looks with the guy’s face. There was also quite a bit of confusion on his face.

“Wh..hnk!” He winced, hand shooting to his chest as if he were in pain before he shook it off, “What happened? Where’s Gabriel?” The man asked his voice weak and confused.

“Gabriel’s saving our asses I guess,” Sam muttered as the man didn’t move to make Sam let go of him but just looked out at the windows with a glassy stare.

“Even after…after several decades…I still don’t understand him…” The man whispered as the tone that is Gabriel’s voice filled the air with such an intensity they all yelled in pain.

“What’s he saying?” Sam asked after he cleared the blood from his ears, shifting the man that was Gabriel’s vessel.

“He’s saying he’ll kill every single one of them for defying God…Heh did you know that a shitload of the demons were once angels? They’ve been stripped of their wings and grace twisted and warped. Lucifer was the first…but he somehow got his wings and grace back…” The man muttered now looking to the haggard looking Winchester brothers, who were looking at him with something close to amazement.

“How do you know all of this?” Dean asked as he glanced back to the dying demons outside.

“There’s a lot you learn from an angel when you’re it’s vessel…” The man muttered as he finally got up on seemingly weak legs and Sam tried to help him, but the man refused the help now as he leaned against the wall. He ran his hands over his chest and arms.

“That and you would be surprised how many times Gabriel ended up getting me stabbed…There are so many times I should have died, but I didn’t because he wouldn’t let me, he promised he’d keep me alive, and taken care of…I’m not even sure how we both survived Lucifer’s attack…” He said and he shook his head, realizing his voice had cracked.

“You know…when he had his memory loss…it was like I was completely cut off from him. Usually I’m able to hear or see something from time to time, but  I was just in total isolation when that happened, I couldn’t help him at all…”

“Don’t worry,” Sam said softly, “We couldn’t help him, or you either…but we sure as hell tried.”

The man looked to Sam and smiled gratefully…

“Oh and before Gabriel tries to get me as his…meat suit again, my name is David, or at least I prefer to be called that.” David said with a small smile even with the demons dying all around them, he didn’t seem to mind it before a loud tone filled the air and David’s eyes widened in shock.

“What is it?” Castiel asked urgently as David looked towards the outside.

“Gabriel is saying that Lucifer is here…Hold on-“ David said before his demeanor changed even as a flash of white filled the room, and when his eyes opened again, they all knew it was Gabriel. He didn’t say anything as he looked at them grimly and Dean and Sam started to protest, sure of what he was going to do even as Gabriel snapped his fingers and sent them away, now alone in the store.

Gabriel turned to look at the room around him. He noticed the boys had been prepared for Lucifer, he barely saw the line of the holy oil on the ground. He smiled faintly as he remembered what he had planned for the boys before his first fight with Lucifer. He remembered he had managed to escape that barely, before almost getting run over by the boys.

He straightened up the place and then altered it drastically. He stayed by where he was, but he heard the door open even as he made sure he had a lighter… He noticed that his vessel was scared out of his mind; after all, Gabriel was supposed to have died twice now. Gabriel bit his lip, knowing what he had promised to David… He wasn’t going to like his brothers and just screw David… This he was thinking of even as Lucifer rounded the corner and looked at his brother.

“You. You weren’t in your vessel just a moment ago…how did you get him to say yes even after all that has happened?” Lucifer asked curiously.

Gabriel smiled faintly.

“Because he cares what happens to Dad’s creations, and would rather that they are not destroyed,” Gabriel said smoothly even as Lucifer stepped over into the ring of oil.

“You know what’s interesting?” Gabriel said as he pulled the lighter out, lit it and threw it down, the flame starting the flames, “Just how stupid you are.”

He saw Lucifer look around him and then to Gabriel before smirking and clapping mockingly.

“Too scared to take me on?” He asked with a smartass smirk, Gabriel’s smirk was better.

“No, I know better. I have other plans,” He said as he went to a wall, making a marker appear and he started writing all over the walls. Lucifer watched him, powerless to actually attack Gabriel.

“Really now, Gabriel? You’re trying to seal me in?” He asked with a raised brow, “You know it won’t last long.”

Gabriel only smiled.

“Oh this is going to be fun,” He said as he cracked his knuckles, for the first time Lucifer showed a sign of worry…


Bobby watched the boys pace like dogs in the living room, they and Castiel had appeared out of nowhere, but by now, Bobby had gotten used to it.

“Did he say anything? Anything at all?” Bobby asked for the tenth time. The boys shook their heads, Sam actually kicking over a table in frustration, Dean looking to Sam with a raised brow even as he held his hand to his side where he had a wound given to him by one of the demons. Bobby had taken care of him when they’d popped back into his livingroom…

“No, but the look on his face…he’s going to fight Lucifer again! Doesn’t he realize he hasn’t told us anything? That…that he’s like a…a brother to us?” Sam said, his voice cracking as he sat down heavily on the couch. Dean looked at his brother with a raised brow.

“You think of him as a brother?” His voice spoke shock in every word, as did is face. They didn’t notice the figure that had appeared in the kitchen.

“Yeah…Dean he was there for us the whole time when he lost his memory, he…he could have turned tail and fled from us, but he didn’t, and didn’t you notice that he hardly asked questions after the first week unless it had to do with the job?” Sam said pointedly, “And come on, he almost died for us! Twice! You do know he got us out of that mill, even before he lost his memory?!” Sam said as he pounded his fist against a cushion.

“Sam-“ Bobby started to say, having noticed their guest, but Sam wasn’t listening.

Dean looked back and blinked before noticing who Bobby noticed.

“Hey Sammy, I think Gabriel knows that now,” He said as Gabriel came into the room, bloodied up with cuts on his cheeks and hands, his shirt torn up. He looked positively happy.

Sam looked up and stared at Gabriel.

“You’re not…” He started to stammer.

“No, I’m not dead. I thought about it and I decided I had enough to do without dying on you lot, though I did give Luci a good fist fight,” He said casually as he flexed his hands, which had blood splattered over them.

“Interesting, really to hear what you think of me, Sam,” He said after he got a hold of a wet cloth somehow and wiped the blood away, the wounds already healed. He went over to Dean, put a hand on his shoulder and came away from him, the wounds all healed..

Sam was at a loss for words, he really didn’t know what to say to the angel and Gabriel cracked his knuckles and looked around for a long moment.

“We need to get out of here, they all know where Bobby lives and that you tend to stay here,” He said after a moment, allowing for the awkward moment for Sam to pass over relatively unnoticed.

Gabriel frowned as Bobby scowled at them.

“I ain’t leaving this place!” Bobby said and Gabriel looked to him with amusement.

“You don’t have to,” he said, as he snapped his fingers. For a moment it seemed as if nothing had happened, but then Gabriel smiled faintly and found a chair to sit in, motioning for Dean and Sam to look outside.

Dean and Sam looked outside to see that they weren’t in Sioux Falls anymore…

“Where are we?” they asked as they took in the scenery of first Bobby’s entire salvage yard and then trees out beyond it, a road leading past…The sky cloudless and bright light blue.

“In Cody Wyoming, right near Yellowstone, kind of. That and we’re near another national forest,” He said as he cracked his knuckles.

“Now…I have some information on the horsemen you may like to know…” He said, definitely catching everyone’s attention.

gabriel, castiel, lucifer, bobby, dean winchester, sam, cas, demons, dean, richard

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