Lost and Found 1/2

Aug 08, 2011 08:20

Title: Lost and Found
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG
Spoilers:Season 6.18 kinda
Summary:Sam and Dean come to town to investigate a case...Naturally they get themselves into more than they bargained for

There's a case in this town, that much is clear, at least to any hunter that could read the signs...People for some reason disappearing from a museum around this one artifact that was...a rock? And supposedly it’s in the Old West part of the Museum. The Rock is an old piece that is said to have runes carved into it from this time period. Sam and Dean are there and they have Cas with them, who’s staring at the rock like he expects it to do something, to change.
Dean glances back to the new head honcho of a majority of Heaven, the angel that has possession of all the artifacts…And the way he’s staring at the stone…scares him.

“What is it?” Sam asked with a scowl and he didn’t…couldn’t know what it is going on with the angel as Cas steps forward and reaches out.

“Cas!” Dean yelps and he drags the angel’s hand back, but the angel pushes him aside easily. He goes for the rock and his eyes seem glazed over and Sam sees the angel’s eyes misted over with tears and something else.

“I…I’m coming brother--!” Cas said as he reached out and both men fought to pull him back.

“No, Cas! What’s-“ Dean starts to say when something catches his eye, the runes are glowing. FUCK! Double fuck when Cas drags them over to the spot and presses his hand to the rock, the fucking glowing rock! There was a flash of bright white blue and if Dean had actually thought about it he would have recognized it…but no. He was standing in the middle of a street with a crazed angel and his brother. Except this street was a dirt road and Dean cursed as they were already getting stared at and Dean and Sam dragged Cas into an alleyway and Dean pinned the angel to the wall.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Dean asked and Cas stared at him.

“My brother…he’s here somewhere. I have to find him, have to help him!” Cas was saying again as he tried to get away from them, a crazed look in the angel’s eyes.

“Which brother?” Sam asked firmly and that got Cas going silent and frowning.

“One that isn’t supposed to be on Earth. One that went missing…” Cas says and he tries to get over to the end but Dean pushes him back.

“How about this, Cas, we get into clothes that don’t make us stand out and then we look for your brother, whichever one it is….” Cas looks at them, looks to the people walking in the street and then nods and suddenly they’re all in clothes of the time. Dean blinked when he saw he had a dark brown overcoat over and an even darker color vest under it with a light brown shirt under it…He looked down to the guns he had in holsters. He then looked to Sam. Sam had a lighter color of clothes a lighter brown in the same style of Dean’s basically but for a giant, the overcoat looked just as awesome on him. They both noticed the boots and then they looked to Cas who looked too tense, too fidgety even in a tan, elegant style of clothes similar to what he had been wearing. His trenchcoat had become the overcoat that the boys wore and he instead had a black sweater vest on over a light tan shirt and tan pants.

“Damn Cas, you act like you’ve been here before!” Dean said with a chuckle, but Cas doesn’t say anything, he looks…flushed and feverish and there’s…there a weird blue in his eyes and Dean watches as Cas looks at them.

“Will you two help me now? I…I have to find him, before it’s too late.” Cas says seriously. Dean and Sam look at each other and then nod, only then noticing the hats. Cas is just taking one out of his coat and putting it on his head even as he leads the way outside.

“How do you even know you’re brother’s here…and where is here anyway?” Dean asks and Cas doesn’t miss a step or a beat when he responds.

“Austin Texas, 1859,” Cas says calmly and there’s only one problem. Cas seriously doesn’t sound good but he’s up, he’s trying to find whoever this is they’re looking for. They go into a bar and Cas looks around at the crowd….and then promptly passes out…

Dean’s immediately down at his side and he lifts Cas up and looks to Sam with a worried air.

“What the hell just did this? What the hell could do this to Cas?” Dean hisses as the bartender rushes over as Dean’s feeling Cas’ forehead and he brings his hand back as if burned.

The bartender offers a cold cloth and Dean thanks him, knowing that Cas just…Cas CANT get sick, he’s full blown angel, how can he get sick?! Cas stirs a few minutes later and Dean can feel eyes on him and looks up, quite a few people are watching. He mutters something about heatstroke. They don’t get it. He says Cas was out in the sun too much and got over warm. That they understand and then all the eyes are off of him. Save for one pair and they belong to a man in the back of the room, his hat still on, one of the few men with a clean shaven face in the joint but the light hits his upper half of his face weird and Dean doesn’t know what it is but he shakes his head and looks to Cas.

“Have…to find him…” Cas mumbled and Dean hushed him and got water from the bartender and poured it down the angel’s throat and Cas blinked and looked up at him, licking too warm lips as his eyes still had that weird color blue to them.

“Why did you touch the damn rock?” Sam asks with a hiss as he sees Cas look to him. Cas’ eyes were watery again, and dude seriously, what the fuck was wrong with their angel?!

“His grace…it…it called out to me. I couldn’t ignore it. Last I felt his grace…he was angry at you…and Sam.” Cas looked down at the table and closed his eyes tightly.

“I miss Gabriel,” Cas says at last, and Dean isn’t all that surprised even as he puts a comforting hand on Cas’ shoulder. Sam does the same.

“I missed him ever since he left. I thought…maybe we’d run into him back here and the call of grace…it’s so strong in that Rock…I think maybe…it just fooled me. I’m sorry,” Cas says, and he sounds so broken. Sam picks him up and hefts him onto his shoulder and Dean nudges Cas.

“We need money,” He hisses but the bartender hears him and shakes his head.

“It’s okay boys, just keep your friend cool somewhere and he should be fine,” Dean smiles at him and thanks him and they start to go out of the bar when he realizes he should really be thinking of it as a saloon, even as he glances over his shoulder and sees the man in the corner is still watching them apparently. Then the light hits his eyes and there’s a flash of hazel before there’s a shadow on his face again. Dean looked back to Cas and Sam and shivered.

“What?” Sam asked after Cas produced a hearty bag of gold for them and they went towards a motel of some kind.

“There was this…guy back there…something about him…” Dean muttered before shrugging and going into the motel and getting a room for a few days, paying the family handsomely and they looked more than pleased to give him the best room they have and he thanks them and goes up with Sam and Cas. He sees the room and lets out a low whistle.
“Damn,” Sam says as he helps Cas onto the bed, and they can see several buckets of water as they shed their overcoats and vests and get to just the shirts and the pants as they do that with Cas.

“Cas can you think clearly? You feel okay?” Sam asked as Dean still thought about the creepy guy watching them.

“Yes…Mostly. I don’t know what overcame me…just the need to seek out my brother, whoever it is that is here in town…But it’s…passed mostly…” Cas muttered as Dean gave him a wet cloth.

“You’re still pretty hot right now. Seems like you’re running a fever. Whatever is doing this to you…it’s not going easy on you. Get some sleep, it might help,” Dean suggests before to their surprise, Cas agrees and falls asleep on the bed in the center of the room. There’s another near the wall and a couch against another wall. And then there was a door that led into a bathroom.

“I’m going out to get us food that’ll last…like bread and all. I’m starved and I want something to eat, no matter how plain,” Dean says as he sees Sam nod.

“Take care of feather head here, I’ll be back soon,” and when Sam nods, Dean puts on all his stuff along with his hat and goes downstairs with the gold in his center pocket.

He walks to the general store. He sees a few poor beggers on the side, begging for food and whatnot and Dean…he takes pity on them and gives them some gold to help them buy their next meals and they look very pleased even as Dean felt warm in his heart as he entered the general store and looked around, finding some candy and eyeing it quietly. He shrugged and got a huge handful and then got bread and salt along with a few other things, secretly hoping that Cas would be able to conjure up more stuff to make a damned sandwich.

He paid for all the stuff and left quietly, watching the streets and he saw the beggers had gone to who knows where and now he was the only one on the street without a horse or someone else with them. He felt too lonely right now so he just let his thoughts wander and he ends up close to the hotel when gunshots ring out and a horse comes galloping from the direction of the Saloon and there’s a man on it, his hat threatening to blow off it, and then another who’s coming after him with a crossbow and a…stake on it?

Dean watches as the man cripples the other’s horse with a shotgun, the whinny loud and high but the other man somehow gets off the horse as it falls. His hat falls off and Dean goes cold. He drops the stuff and he sees the other man get closer and his hand go to the trigger of the crossbow and shooting it off as Dean runs at the other man and shoves him out of the way. He takes the full brunt of the stake, his eyes having gone wide yet he knows the other man has more as he shields this man who looks at him with surprised hazel eyes. The man from the bar…Now he knew which brother Cas had spoken of even as there was another pain in his chest and he shuddered as his vision started to go black…

“’m…sorry I made you do it…” Dean mumbles as he holds onto the man’s, no Gabriel’s coat. God how could it not be? The hair, the eyes, the shortness and the pissing people off.

“What did you make me do?” Gabriel asks as he looks to Dean’s wounds.

“I…I made -“ But his breath hitches and he coughs shaking his head.

“C…candy in my bag…t…take it to…r-room ten…” And then Dean shudders and goes still doing something he’d never thought he’d end up doing. Helping Gabriel… dying for Gabriel. For the bastard whose identity he wanted to keep.…For the Archangel that they’d gotten killed…
He blinked at the man who had spared him from having to flee the town with his sacrifice. He looked up to the hunter, who was out of stakes and looking at the bleeding dead man Loki held and he turned tail and had his horse gallop off. Loki felt….something towards this human even as he pulled out the stakes and put them in his pockets. Loki had been watching the man and his companions, more for the companion he knew clearly was an angel. An angel that hadn’t looked too great...

Loki briefly wondered why the angel was down on earth instead of up in the sky with all the other morons. He looked to the side and blinked when he saw the man’s soul he was carrying and he tilted his head at it. Didn’t it have somewhere to go? He wondered as he picked up the bag of food and looked around before appearing in the motel past the woman at the front and he went to room ten even as he adjusted the hat he’d replaced before kicking the door lightly. It opened and there was a huuuge man there who blinked at Loki, and then Loki saw the angel on the bed, unconscious and the grace inside the angel going haywire, a mix of something else in it, of another angel’s grace…

“Holy crap! What happened to him?” the huge man asked as he let Loki in and the Trickster took in a breath and pulled out some stakes, the bloodied ones and tossed them to the ground.

“Your friend decided to step in and get hit by these in my place,” Loki said calmly and the man’s head turned sharply towards Loki and he grabbed the hat off of Loki’s head and the man backed away.

“You…” The man muttered and he stumbled back as Loki looked at him in confusion.

“Uh…kid I don’t know who you are, just your pal here told me to take some stuff to room ten and well I figured I’d bring him too. I’m not a complete ass to leave him there on the street,” Loki says calmly and he swore he saw the other man’s face fall as Loki turned and put the other man on the couch and frowned at him and then looked to the man’s soul, which was somehow still there, watching him for a moment before sitting next to his body and putting his head in his hands, though he didn’t have the same clothes of that time on, he wore an outfit with a leather bomber jacket and jeans… Loki just shook his head. It wasn’t his problem to deal with the dead anymore.

“I…have to go, before the bastard comes back with more stakes,” He mutters but the angel on the bed stirs and looks towards Loki and Loki swallows.

“D…Don’t leave…I don’t want to see you leave again…” The angel muttered and Loki went cold and looked to Sam.
“Who are you?” He asked with a growl and he swore the other man smiled at that.

“Sam. People call me Sam, Winchester.” He saw Sam cross his arms and look to the man on the couch.

“And that? That’s Dean that saved your Trickster cover from getting killed before you could run off to another town,” Loki was in shock even as he looked to the angel on the bed and saw the threads of grace that wasn’t the angel’s…but his? FUCK! No wonder the angel had passed out when he saw him, the grace was trying to tell him he’d found him…

“You…know what I am?” He asked cautiously as he looked over to Dean now, who was now sitting with his arms on his knees and looking at Loki quietly. He then frowned at Dean.

“Yes, we know what you are, Gabriel,” Sam said and Gabriel/Loki stiffened and glared at Sam.

“Don’t call me that! I’m Loki and I’m NOT going back with you, Winchester! Don’t you have an older version of me to harass any-…” He paused and looked to Dean and then remembered the words, ‘I’m sorry I made you do it..’

“We can’t, G-Loki. You’re…dead,” Sam said quietly as the angel on the bed sat up and swallowed down a glass of water. Loki saw that angel looked like shit and he saw his grace again and figured his vessel and grace were reacting badly to it. He was silent as he went up to his younger brother, and took the grace from him and absorbed it quietly before stepping back, but not before the other angel caught Loki’s hand.

“Thank you…” He muttered and Loki frowned at him but then nodded.

“I kinda get it now, why Dean said he was sorry…” He looked to the dead man and sighed.

“Damn it my cover’s already blown to you three at least so…” He went over to Dean and took a hold of his soul and put it back in his body even as he healed the body and fixed up the clothes and got rid of the blood.

“How did I die?” He asks after a moment and Dean’s the one to speak.

“Standing up to Lucifer…We don’t know the details… but he must have been faster…killed you with your own sword…Damn it I shouldn’t have bitched at you! Should have just let you go!” Dean growls and he throws the hat to the side, cursing at it. Gabriel’s quiet. He doesn’t know what to do and he looks helplessly at Sam. So this was what the vessels looked like. He looked to Dean who seemed to be in so much anguish and he thought quietly about something and then looked to Cas.

“How did you three get here?” He asked at last and Sam let out a sigh.
Cas touched some sort of Rock it had something carved into it…um… Damn it where’s paper when I-“ But then he blinks when Gabriel’s handing him paper and a quill and ink. Sam thanked him and started drawing something and when he was done he showed it to Gabriel, who paled.
Sam noticed his reaction.

“I’m guessing you recognize this?” Sam asked and Dean got up quietly moving over to sit on the bed, looking to Cas then Gabriel who shook his head like dog out of water.

“Of course I do. I made it. I recognize my own writing…I made this a few years ago. I made it to kinda…be a receptacle for my grace in case I ever died…” he pauses and looks to Dean, Sam and Cas.

“What? I figured I wouldn’t live forever you know…But there’s another part to this, which is why it compelled Cas to come back.”

He pulls an amulet out from around his neck and Gabriel kinda grimaced at the wing he had on it and Dean smirked, Sam rolling his eyes. He bounced it in his hand and gave it to Dean, who blinked.

“Put it on,” He said seriously and Dean blinked and eyed Gabriel for a long moment and Gabriel waited patiently. He’d been storing some of his grace in that for years, the diamond in the middle was supposed to light up with his grace if the vessel of an archangel was compatible enough to fulfill the last part of the kind of spell he put on the rock. The moment the amulet touched Dean’s skin the diamond grew so bright it almost blinded Gabriel himself. But that was a good thing. Dean wasn’t just Michael’s vessel he realized now and Dean looked to him with wide eyes as the light dimmed and was now the color of Dean’s eyes before Gabriel smirked.

“Have fun in purgatory. It’s a bitch to navigate!” And then he clapped his hands and Dean let out an indignant yelp as suddenly he was gone and Cas let out an angry sound Sam had lunged at Gabriel who touched his forehead and sent the Winchester back to 2011. He looked to Cas who was definitely angry and Gabriel sighed and looked firmly at Castiel, putting every bit of ‘I’m an archangel and your superior’ into his voice as he spoke.

“Go back to 2011 with Sam. This had to be done,” He said and Cas let out a growl but vanished and went through time back to his own. That much he could sense. Gabriel took a deep breath and hoped Dean could find his future self, or the Winchester could be stuck in purgatory for years…or forever…

He shook his head and looked around the room and snapped his fingers and then vanished and went on with his life….

gabriel, castiel, fic: au, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, trickster, loki, dean

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