Through Different Eyes 3/3

Feb 27, 2011 16:16

Title: Through Different Eyes
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: PG
Pairings: Castiel/Lucifer if you looove to read between the lines
Spoilers: None: Just know who Gabriel and Lucifer is
Warnings: Crack from me
Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Summary: Gabriel in his last seconds decides to do something no angel has ever done. He gives Lucifer something that will change the fallen angel's perspectives on the apocalypse and hopefully Humanity...
Word Count: 3,650

Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 (Here)

Lucifer could feel the time going by slowly in the hospital as people came in and out and checked on his wounds on his hands and then to his gut. One nurse said they’d barely managed to get him stable earlier, that they were afraid he’d die. Lucifer only watched as he let them do their job, though of course they were baffled at the speed of which his wounds were healing.

They took care of him. They fed him and he watched them care for other patients in the hospital, and he saw just why they were doing this in their minds and he could sense the happiness of the families of the patients that had been saved by these people…And he couldn’t help but feel…warm inside…He couldn’t help but finally love this flawed species his father had created…

Lucifer, once he was able to hold something without being in too much pain, picked up the phone and frowned as he did his best to recall Sam’s number, and when he dialed he heard the younger Winchester’s voice on the other end.

“Hello?” Sam asked seeming tense and on edge and Lucifer could hear Gabriel and Dean yelling in the background.

“Hey Sam,” Lucifer said casually, “My brother trying to kill yours? Or am I misinterpreting the shouting?” Lucifer asked as he heard and intake of breath.

“You’re alive…we thought you were dead…” Sam breathed and Lucifer grimaced as he got a card out of his pocket with the hospital’s address.

“Yeah well…I’m hard to kill. Dean chose a good time to set off that sigil…” He said as he shifted on the bed and his breath hitched.

“…So…Get Gabriel to the phone,” He said as he brought his other hand to his injured side. He heard Sam agree and then heard him yelling.

“Hey dumb and dumber!” Sam yelled and Lucifer flinched, “Lucifer’s on the line and he wants to talk to you, Gabriel,” There was silence and then Gabriel was apparently fidgeting with the phone.

“Which way do I hold this damn thing?” Gabriel growled and there was a sigh and Lucifer was laughing and then grimacing at the pain it caused.

“Luci? That you bro?” Gabriel asked after a moment.

“Yup…How long has it been since that whole fiasco back there?” Lucifer asked as he ran his hand through his hair and grabbed a mirror and looked at himself. Yeah still wearing Nick as a vessel, Lucifer had to admit that Nick’s hair when it’s longer is better than when it’s short, that’s for sure.

“About three weeks...Where are you?” Gabriel asked and Lucifer gave him the answer.

“San Francisco General Hospital…Room 501,” He said and seconds later Gabriel was walking into his room and Lucifer could see his wings folding back to being casually at his back. Lucifer leaned over to put the phone back and he did his best to hide his pain but Gabriel caught it and put the phone back for him.

“Uh…Gabriel, Sam might want his phone back…” Lucifer muttered as he pulled the tubes out of his vessel carefully and he was in a new set of clothes with but a thought. Gabriel carefully helped him up.

“Who else was banished?” Lucifer asked as Gabriel helped support him. Gabriel looked at Lucifer and pulled him closer and Lucifer let out a hiss of pain as Gabriel touched the wound to his side.

“Michael, you, me Raphael…All of us were. Dean summoned me at the hotel they stopped at…and we tried to get you but the spell wouldn’t work, mostly because it seemed you were out cold for a week or so…doesn’t work on things that aren’t conscious…so we were looking for anything that could have been you…” Gabriel said even as they were in the air for a few seconds, Lucifer enjoying the feel of it before Gabriel landed at the hotel room.

“You were yelling at Dean when I called…” He muttered and Gabriel nodded.

“At how much of an idiot he was not to aim the damn sigil. Up until now we thought you were dead,” Gabriel growled, glaring at Dean who glared back.

“So! The four amigos really didn’t turn out like I thought,” Dean said in annoyance, changing the subject somewhat, “Turns out you two are on our side and they are trying to get you, Lucifer, to get Sam to say yes to you and then me to say yes to Michael so you guys could have a slap fight!” Dean said with a frown as Gabriel helped Lucifer onto the bed, his hands still bandaged and Lucifer exchanged a silent look with Gabriel, who tilted his head a bit. Lucifer reached up and messed up Gabriel’s hair.

“You guys wanted me to see humanity…Well I saw humanity in that hospital, I watched those doctors tending to patients, could tell they were really concerned. I could also tell how much love the families had for each other….Sure humanity has the ability to screw things up…but it’s not worth destroying the earth over. I’m calling it off. “ He said and he saw the smiles and the shock behind them before Gabriel was hugging him and Lucifer smiled sadly at him.

“No matter what I do though…Michael will keep coming after me as will Raphael…Take the boys and Cas and run. Run as far as you can…I can’t guarantee that I’ll come back…” Lucifer said softly and he saw Gabriel look at him with sad eyes and he hugged Lucifer closer still.

Lucifer pulled away and he conjured up a cell phone and he got the numbers of everyone there… Then he left…

He appeared before his forces and he looked down at them. He said it was over and he sends them all to Hell even as Michael arrived and looked at Lucifer.

“Coward! You’re avoiding our destiny!” Michael snarled, pulling the blade out and Lucifer only smiled grimly as he pulled out his own with his stiff hands.

“It was never our destiny Michael. It was only a plan to end the world before schedule,” Lucifer said in disgust and Michael’s eyes flared angrily at that.

“Once a traitor, always a traitor! You were like this before and then you betrayed the host and dragged a third of them into the war! You were cast down! You will NEVER be able to redeem yourself!” Michael yelled and Lucifer smiled faintly.

“I know. But At least I got Gabriel back. I killed him and that’s what started all of this,” Lucifer said as he kept that small smile on. He’d planted something near where Michael stood. Now he just needed Michael close to it and to activate it…

He then lunged at Michael and clashed with him, forcing his brother back and fighting with him but he slowed way too fast with the injuries still causing all this pain…and sooner than later he had a sword in his chest and he couldn’t help but grab onto Michael’s clothes, his Grace threatening to blast from him even as Nick’s heart beat got slower and slower and more painful with the sword through it and all…

“Hey…M..Michael…” He said before chanting the words he needed and the cage opened and Lucifer shoved Michael in, Michael caught by surprise and not having the sense to drag Lucifer with him as he fell and a flash of light and the ground closing meant that Michael was in even as Lucifer shuddered and pulled at the sword and whimpering even as he picked up the keys and softly called Gabriel’s name… His brother was there in seconds.

“No…no no no no…” Gabriel was saying as he grabbed the sword and Lucifer shook his head and gave the rings to Gabriel.

“Michael’s…in…the cage…” And Lucifer grimaced and his grace threatened to come free.

“G-Goodbye Gabriel…” And Lucifer couldn’t hold back anymore as he threw his head back and screamed, his grace bursting from him as all his grace escaped him and caused several earthquakes across the land and thunder and lightning to make themselves know…and Lucifer died…The Once Morning Star of Heaven…Dead…

Gabriel pulled the sword out and he quietly took his brother back to the Winchesters.

“This…is what happens when you guys say no…and when I gave him a new perspective…” He whispered as he looked at his dead brother, his wound still smoking.

“What happened?” Castiel asked as he went over to Lucifer and looked at the magnificent wings splayed out, clear to everyone in death…

“He…died trapping Michael in the hole…” Gabriel said quietly before the archangel left with his dead brother…and they didn’t see Gabriel for days after. When Gabriel came back he looked…well drunk he was completely out of it and he reeked of alcohol.

Dean and Sam were there for Gabriel and eventually they managed to get Gabriel back to himself after two months worth of effort while they fled Raphael’s wrath and Castiel…Well he had his power back. He was a full fledged angel again so he was back and forth between heaven and earth.

But Gabriel was with them full time, claiming he couldn’t stand going back…So now….now they had to deal with a post apocalypse world in which Crowley was the King of Hell and there was a civil war going on in Heaven.

It made Gabriel wish that things were back to how they’d been when Lucifer was well…his old self…

Yet through all of this, Sam and Dean were there, as was Castiel, and Gabriel couldn’t help but be grateful for that…

gabriel, castiel, adam winchester, lucifer, dean winchester, sam, fic: supernatural, cas, demons, michael, dean, winchester, supernatural

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