my parents are whispering about my flaws, faults, and failings in the next room.
o come all ye faithful of nondenominational alliance
joyful and triumphant uniquely special
o come ye, o come ye to bethlehem wheresoever your Life Path leads you
come and behold him a person (nonsexist language)
born the king president of angels theoretical metaphysics
o come let us adore express I-message respect for him a person
o come let us adore express I-message respect for him a person
o come let us adore express I-message respect for him a person
christ brian, the lord a real nice guy
1. what did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
kissed for serious. danced and liked it. practiced piano 3+ hours a day. took 3 AP classes at once. worked for money. experienced sexism.
2. did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
no...i don't remember...something about taking more pictures of my grandchildren...oh, i also picked "get closer to people" from the Wall Of Resolutions at first night. and i think i did that.
i'll probably pick some more from The Wall...
3. did anyone close to you give birth?
well, besides me, no...
4. did anyone close to you die?
no. except a fetal pig. which was about 2 feet from my face.
5. what countries did you visit?
canada. and here. lame as fuck.
oh, and Albania and Serbia and Montenegro. in spirit.
6. what would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
a digital camera. a groodish resume.
7. what dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory?
i can't remember things...
8. what was your biggest achievement of the year?
um...the closet thing. work in progress.
9. what was your biggest failure?
being lame. not finishing anything.
10. did you suffer illness or injury?
not that i can recall.
11. what was the best thing you bought?
rufus/ben ticket!
12. whose behaviour merited celebration?
I merit celebration. Celebrate!
3. whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
about half of the country.
14. where did most of your money go?
i don't know...probably the washing machine...
15. what did you get really, really, really excited about?
the rufus/ben concert. piano recitals.
16. what song/album/artist will always remind you of 2004?
ben folds and sergei prokofiev.
17. compared to this time last year, are you:
i.Happier or sadder?
this time last year? whadafuck. i have no fuckingidea. i'm pretty happy, though. generally speaking.
ii. thinner or fatter?
don't know. who really uses scales anyhow? probably fatter.
iii. richer or poorer?
richer. but still poor.
18. what do you wish you'd done more of?
all that is Grood and Fun and Maybe Slightly Responsibler Like Applyingforscholarships or Essaycontests....nah.
19. what do you wish you'd done less of?
lame stuff. waiting around.
20. how will you be spending christmas?
the classic. friends, family, some Tree.
22. did you fall in love in 2004?
no sirree.
23. how many one night stands in this last year?
Oh, SCORES! Yeah. Mmmhmm. [[i'll stick with lucy's answer there.]]
24. what was your favorite tv program?
tv? what?
25. do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
don't hate anyone. period. ever. not worth my angst.
26. what was the best book you read?
"one flew over the cuckoo's nest"..."fountainhead"...more....
27. what was your greatest musical discovery?
Ben Folds. (I think Rufus was last fall. Else, he, too.)
28. what did you want and get?
an ipod.
29. what did you want and not get?
world peace. a good president. a higher metabolism.
30. what was your favourite film of this year?
no idea. "eternal sunshine" and "the incredibles" are up there.
31. what did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
16. dinner, familial happiness.
32. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
a better memory.
33. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
"kitschy casual", i believe it was termed. although i also got "butch" and "feminazish...almost". hrm.
34. what kept you sane?
no one cool is sane.
35. which celebrity/public figure did you like the most?
ben folds. rufus. j depp. kevin spacey.
36. what political issue stirred you the most?
the election.
37. whom did you miss?
people who live Far Away in pittsburgh. not the cool.
38. who was the best new person you met?
jimmy...ginny...maria and nathalia and laura, again...emily...jeffkuan, carson & and Humans, we don't mesh. i think that's about it.
39. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004.
things are how they are. i mean, change the things you can, but deal with the rest. and no one cares as much as you do.
40. quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
if you like to talk to tomatoes...
in 2004, did you...
1. go to a party?
yup, and hosted one
2. try something new?
most def!
3. have someone change your life?
mostmost def!
4. kiss someone?
5. tell your family and friends you love them?
many times
6. buy something extravagant?
not that i can think of
7. do something nice for you?
did i do something nice for me? probably. self-indulgence is Cool.
8. do something terribly wrong?
nothing Terribly wrong. the niagara river and snow things were probably the worst.
9. move?
only to get food
10. go to a concert?
one Really Cool one
best of the year:
1. party: mine. so say i. unbiasedly.
2. show: i'm pretending this means theatre, in which case...i have to go with gompers.
3. cd: prokofiev. no, bronfman. definitely bronfman.
4. movie: eternal sunshine, incredibles
5. song: piece. diabolical suggestion. prokofiev.
6. experience: backstage kissing. probably. yeah, i think so. runnerups...driving. 100% on english paper. rufus concert. stepfording.
7. concert: the obvious. rufus/ben. love and hearts.
8. book: repetitive...yes...kesey or rand.
9. month: i can't remember Anything. july was fun.
10. day: what.
hopes for 2005:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005: george bush will drive the country into massive debt/war. oh wait...okay, cure for cancer. that's gotta be coming up.
2. what do you hope changes about your country? the antiGay thing. lame as fuck. not that it matters, considering my impending move to europe...
3. what do you hope for yourself? good grades. scholarships. college apps. good relationships.
4. what do you hope for your family? no secrets.
5. what do you hope for your best friends? coolness. happiness. existential luck.
6. what do you hope for the rest of your friends? alliteration. getting to know them better.
7. do you think any amazing medical advances will be made? AIDS treatment, if not cure. cancer advances. nanotech stuff, most def.
8. what is your hope for 2005? less sanity than i have now, of course.
during 2004:
where were you when it began: skipping towards the T downtown, yelling with sara & coryface about bunnies.
did you stay up: fuckyes.
what was your new year's wish? fuckidon'tknow.
broke up: nopeish.
care to mention names? inapplicable. nonapplicable. whatevah.
new friends: fuckyes.
name them: deja vu. look above. you, kid.
worst place you went to: that conference with meyers. that was awful.
happiest moment: hrmrm.
how was your birthday: day? decent. party? grooderish.
best present: ipod. duh.
i feel as if i just wasted half of my life.
well, i did. not that it's not my own fault.
off for Reading.