Positive Relationship/Dialogue Musings

Jun 01, 2008 00:38

The first part was not written by me but by a indian guru named Osho. I edited it and expanded on it slightly. The last part in italics is my words.These wise words not only stimulate my mind but I also deeply appreciate the door it has opened in me...
Positive Relationships

Ordinarily people are not happy when they are alone. They feel very empty, they feel something is missing. They can't live alone for long periods, even an hour looks like many hours. They escape into a relationship. The relationship is just an escape from oneself. It is not a true relationship, it is negative; a man falls in
love with a woman just to avoid his loneliness. A woman falls in love with a man just to avoid her loneliness OR a man falls in love with a man just to avoid his loneliness and a woman falls in love with a woman just to avoid her loneliness...

The positive relationship is a totally different one. You are not trying to escape from yourself. You love to be yourself, you love your aloneness, you rejoice, and whenever you find time you move into it. But in aloneness so much bliss is created that you have to share it. It become like a burden, like a cloud full of rainwater ,it has to shower. It doesn't matter whether the earth needs it or not, it does not matter whether the trees are receptive or not; it has to shower, it has to unburden itself.

Remember, the greatest burden in life is when you are overflowing with bliss. Everything else can be carried, but bliss has to be shared. It is the greatest burden..sweet, but a mountainous burden. You cannot carry it alone, you need
friends to share it with. Then a relationship is positive. Then you don't fall in love, you rise in love. Then a man rises in love with a woman, a man or a womanrises in love with a man or woman. Doesn't matter because love is love...


Dialogue means trying to understand the other with an open mind. Dialogue is a rare phenomenon and it is beautiful, because both are enriched. In fact, while you talk, either it can be a discussion - a verbal fight, trying to prove that I am right and you are wrong..or a dialogue. Dialogue is taking each other´s hand, moving together
towards the truth, helping each other to find the way. It is togetherness, it is a cooperation, it is a harmonious effort to find the truth. It is not in any way a fight, not at all. It is a friendship, moving together to find the truth, helping each other to find the truth. Nobody has the truth already, but when two persons
start finding out, inquiring about the truth together, that is dialogue..and both are enriched. And when truth is found, it is neither of me, nor of you. When truth is found, it is greater than both of us who participated in the inquiry, it is higher than both, it surrounds both - and both are enriched.

I strong agree with this! I used to be a wide open door but no longer. I am STILL an open door though because like a friend once told me, the door had to exist inside me already in order for it to be be open or closed. I welcome or am receptive to all the truths I can handle and I am welcome to finding the truth together with people. Someone can be a force to be reckoned with on their own (They must) but together is when it becomes a strong wind. A strong tower, an army, an unbreakable bond and something so beautiful that nothing can penetrate it. Have I found this yet? I have caught a glimpse of it in the past and in the present. I have spoken recently to those who are teachers in my life, those who have much to share with me. I may stumble, fall and even go backwards a few steps but, I am strong all on my own. Someday maybe, I will be double that strength by sharing that bliss with someone and being receptive to their bliss as well....
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