Merlin: M/A, G/L: Of Coffee and Tiaras (And A Hint of Chloroform)

Oct 26, 2011 22:55

Title: Of Coffee and Tiaras (And A Hint of Chloroform)
Series: Merlin
Rating: T
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot
Disclaimer: dis- (not); claim- (mine); -er (no, really)
Summary: Written as a sequel (of sorts) to this. In which Gwaine and Morgana join forces and reveal their true colors, and Gwen knew all along.
Dedication: to NoDoz, the best sleep ( Read more... )

slash, gwen/lancelot, rated: t, merlin/arthur, merlin

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Comments 6

tama_abi October 27 2011, 04:22:55 UTC
The evil pair!

Thank you!


candycanearms October 28 2011, 18:09:48 UTC


goddessriss October 27 2011, 10:17:39 UTC
Hahaha the evil that is Gwaine and Morgana! Thank you so much for this... such a lovely suprise to wake up to this morning.


candycanearms October 28 2011, 18:10:16 UTC


bend_me_baby November 2 2011, 07:39:19 UTC
flkjng;argjgf!!!! OP HERE! You don't know how excited I was when I saw this got filled! :D

This was so cuteeee. I enjoyed Merlin and Arthur purposely avoiding each other and then trying to pull one over on Gwen and Lance when they finally got together lol. Sounds like something they'd do. And I completely loved the Gwaine/Morgana bits at the end :]

Thanks for filling my prompt! I loved it ♥


candycanearms November 6 2011, 18:26:46 UTC
haha thank you for requesting it :D
and I'm glad you approve ;p


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