Challenge 6 Winners

Mar 16, 2008 01:05

This is getting ridiculous, so..

To be quite honest the judges and myself are.. Well.. A little bit unnerved at those of you who failed to turn in your challenge submissions. We know we say it's okay to miss them, but when you keep making promises and breaking them, or asking for extensions that get extended even further.. We start to feel like we're being too lenient on you guys, and we feel like we've been taken for a fool. You guys gotta remember--submitting that application is like saying, "I will have time to do this competition." I know real life takes precedence sometimes, but there's no excuse for you guys taking a month to do what some girls did a little over the allowed amount of time. You had plenty of ways to get together to brainstorm, and even if you only edited a small piece of a doll a day, you could have at least come up with something feasible. Not only that, but, telling us you'd send an e-mail with progress that was never sent? Waay not cool.

Leona, Holly, CJ and Ava. We're very grateful for your hard work.

Max-B and Zephyr. While you're not facing any danger as this was a challenge, we will not be allowing any extensions for the both of you for the rest of the cycle. Max-B has used an extension on almost every photoshoot, and Zephyr has even been granted a skip. (If you need an extension, let's pray someone else asks for one, eh? I'm not going to try to cheat you guys out of anything though--I'm going to be basing the amount of time I give you based on how hard the next photoshoot may or may not be, vs the amount of time you guys usually ask for for an extension for. Anything beyond that, though.. Well.)

As for the winners of this week's challenge.. While we appreciate the efforts of those of you who did turn your photos in... They were still late, and as such, you will not be awarded a prize nor will you be declared as the winner. (Think of this as tough love week.) But, judges--please try to give them some critique on their challenges! They were really nice, and, I don't think them being late should stop us from gushing.

All of this said.. Let's hope we can get the rest of this competition on without a hitch, yeah?

Hey, guess what? It's the final six. I wonder what that could mean...
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