How to Choose the Fabric for Your Cosplay Costume

Aug 31, 2011 15:42

Considering your budget or personal hobby, some cosplayers love to make their costumes by themselves. Of course, please make sure you are patient enough and have much time, or it is better for you to buy it.

Speaking of making costumes, one of importances is how to choose the fabric. One of my friend who cosplayed Meiko, she made her costume out of cloth back vinyl which is really cheap and is the right glossiness too. For the Belt she used velcro and PVC or Vinyl again. For the arm warmers, she used normal armwarmers.

As a matter of fact, it depends on what costume. The best way to find out is to print out several references when you go and compare the fabrics you find to the one in the picture, and ask for the opinions of the employees of the store if you want a second opinion.

The only type of material that is a big no-no is Satin. Satin works for small details like ribbons or bows, but not a whole costume. Satin seems like a pretty fabric, but not in pictures with flash. The flash makes you see all you can see all the wrinkles and stuff that you don't want to see.

cosplay, cosplay costumes

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