Aug 05, 2006 03:15
Under A Sky So Blue.
We Kill Everything.
Isnt it funny how all of my stories start the same? and end the same? maybe im trying to tell myself something....
a few raindrops hit here and there. is a normal cold and rainy morning except this one wasnt so normal...not to him.
Her face blank and staring up past his, she spoke softly in a hauntingly peaceful voice,
"A dream...its all.." her words break up slowly, coughing. Vile fluid that caused her nothing but pain. "a dream...."
Like always before he held her hand tightly, lovingly as warm tears fell onto her cheeks. It couldnt happen to him.. not this day,not after the fight- the couldnt happen.
But it was the more and more he thought about it, ignoring the birds that were flying by,unkowing that a simple humans existance was dying in his arms.
Her eyes started to close and he picked her up, clinging to her now dying form. Never before had he cried so like a child, never before because he had never thought of her dying on such a peaceful morning.
Her soft pink lips parted tepidly,her words sticking in her throat as she went limp in his arms.
He didnt scream.nor did he cry. He sat there holding the one part of him that was sworn to not die. His expression lacking everything animate.
He sat. and held her. its all he could do in this other wise perfectly normal,cold morning.
10 years later
Another cold and rainy morning. perfectly normal even for him. You see this man died... not 10 minutes before the woman he loved... and even then, in death she never loved him. So he sat, staring out the window of the house that wasnt his anylonger, watching the birds fly through the grey cloudly sky, over the same roof top where he held her as she died. He couldnt help but wonder...if she felt pain he did. if she had the gaping hole in her heart like the one in his.
he knew the answer. the pain he felt was something only he could...
Because after all of the years of loving her she would never know it. 15 seconds to late... those 15 seconds he said, he would give anything for.