How can possibly a man be this freakingly weird and steamy hot sexy in the same moment is still a mystery to me. And i love this PV.
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可愛い君の胸 その命愛おしい
激しく切なく求めてみたい 激しく激しく求めて
冷たく優しく求めて欲しい 冷たく冷たく求めて
愛おしい君の胸 その命憎らしい
激しく切なく愛してみたい 激しく激しく愛して
冷たく優しく愛して欲しい 優しく優しく愛して
赤く充血してるヴァニラ 左胸が熱い
例えば命短し 唇で愛を伝えよう
炎が消えるそれまで あなたの為に燃やして
水 空気 光と
愛 糧 生きがい
夢 欲 喜び あんたが大好き
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btw, interesting thing you said about "vanilla" as a japanese slang word...
hmm, i wonder what's the slang for someone who is into BDSM...;))
but you know, it amused me a lot when i read what you said, cause i never liked vanilla, nor was i into sweet soft sex...quite fitting ;))
I've never really appreciated vanilla too, and even if i don't thoroughly enjoy being slapped, whipped or peed on, i still think a little of hair pulling and bum spanking can be very agreeable ;)
"I've never really appreciated vanilla too, and even if i don't thoroughly enjoy being slapped, whipped or peed on, i still think a little of hair pulling and bum spanking can be very agreeable ;)"
totally agreed here! sadly not many men like it when i go a bit rough on them...;))
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