Jul 02, 2007 17:33
I think if an anvil had been dropped on my head, I had suffered a snakebite, discovered my skin flaking off, and lost a bet in which I had to shave a reverse mohawk into my scalp, I could then say I had a worse Monday than I had today. But only then.
At least it ended somewhat mercifully with me getting to hop in my car and drive to the other building around the corner. I had to pull something off a computer I moved over there last week for backup/disaster recovery purposes. And with no supervision and some company I made sure I didn't come back until it was just about time to leave for the day.
The weather this summer for the most part has been absolutely gorgeous (70s during the day, 60s at night, low humidity), which makes going to work in the morning that much more difficult. I have to convince myself, no matter how much I don't want to be there, staying up way late and not getting enough sleep, especially going into Monday is not a bright thing to do. I don't think my attitude could be any worse lately, especially now that San Diego was eliminated from my very short Things To Look Forward To list. I still haven't told anyone I'm not going. I might just take the week off anyway, hole up in a dark room and carve bad poetry into my arms with a dull butter knife. Or not.
Time to go rest, or eat, or do whatever else it's going to take to make me forget I have to get up and do it all over again tomorrow. (At least I'm off Wednesday, and the 4th is always, always fun and relaxing.)
san diego,