Candle Sho here....

Aug 20, 2020 06:00

Hello Everyone~~

I'm Yuri from Indonesia, welcome to my journal ^O^

I just an ordinary girl who loves watching, books, travelling, and fangirling ^^

[Simply going where the wind takes us, to be free.....]
Orange is the colour of my life (/^O^)/

So, basically i created this journal just for my beloved ARASHI :D
I'm so grateful to know ARASHI, they are totally coloring my life with rainbows.
Always can put a smile on my face when i'm down.
Even though anything related to them was forever hard to get,
but i'm happy and proud as well~~

My Ichiban is SHO SAKURAI....  and don't even try to asked me about him,
because once i started i'll never stop *^O^*

So, everyone feel free to share anything with me~~

Dozou yoroshiku onegaishimasu ^^

With Love,


orange girl

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