
Oct 19, 2016 19:20


It's really been a while, and I've been really inactive on my journal
While I'm still open to things like translation requests, I've been drifting in and out of the JUMP fandom lately
it seems as if for now, JUMP doesn't seem to be something that I feel as passionately for like I did in the past
after all, I've been in the fandom since 2008/2009, so it has really been a long time

I've seen JUMP grow in the past few years and I'm glad I was there from the start.
At the same time, I've also met many other fans through the LJ-fandom,
and I've seen many of them come and go
a lot of the original bunch that were on LJ when I joined the fandom are no longer here
many amazing fic writers, translators and good friends at the same time

almost all of my friends are gone, and most of the writers that I love have left the fandom.
I'm glad that even though I'm not really involved in the fandom as much as I was before,
I still have friends here and I still take the time to comment on good fics

I have closed all my fics, and only my translations remain open on this journal (click for the index!)
and I am also still open to requests, because I still keep in touch with the fandom
If you want to add me as a friend on LJ, please leave a comment below with a short introduction
I'll be really glad to answer

Feel free to message me about anything!


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