Until July...

Mar 05, 2007 23:46

Until blessed July I must wait for the next Harry Potter installment!

I get too attatched too my books, methinks. I can't believe the series is going to be over. It's like...I don't want it to happen- I don't want to come to terms with the magic ending! It's such a fun and fantastical point of view. It's....perfect. I have read over 800 pages from the 5th book in 2.5 days, that's .5 days shorter than I have read all of the other books (all of which I finished in 3 days of reading). That...is amazing. That tells you I'm really into the book.

You know, deep down, I wish there really were such a thing as Hogwarts and witchcraft. Deep down, I think on some level everyone does. ::sighs:: I wish the books would just keep coming. Maybe I can check out some of the fan-fiction? I hope it is all just as good. Myeh. ;_; Comeooonnnn July!
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