Inception Friending Meme!

Nov 09, 2010 19:40

Inception Friending Meme!
Because the most resilient parasite is a meme.

Pimp this out! All fans are welcome. Feel free to post it in your comm of choice, if that's allowed, or just your LJ!">Inception Friending Meme!
Because the most resilient parasite is a meme.

Name: (What should we call you?)
Other fandoms: (Be as general or specific as you want!)

Favorite character(s): (Who makes you flail the most?)
OTP: (Favorite pairing... Try to limit it to 1 or 2.)
Other pairings: (Rare pairings welcome!)
Rec a fanwork: (Anything! Fic, art, meta post, etc.)
Pimp one or more of your own fanworks: (Don't be shy! Anything goes, even picspams or comments!)
What are you working on right now? Give us a teaser!: (Fic snippet, maybe an icon, a picture from your next spampost or maybe just a synopsis of your next idea.)
What's your totem? (Too personal? Then tell us something else about yourself!)
Anything else? (Your one-stop shop for gifs, macros, etc.)

Other fandoms:

Favorite character(s):
Other pairings:
Rec a fanwork:
Pimp one or more of your own fanworks:
What are you working on right now? Give us a teaser!:
What's your totem?
Anything else?

meme, movies: inception

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