The Great Christmas Tree Fiasco . . . . . .

Dec 16, 2004 15:32

Okay so its official now that I have a psychotic cat. We HAD an artificial Christmas tree. My Mom put it up and it was oh so pretty with its bubble lights and cute little ornaments. After a few hours of having it up I noticed an ugly green pile of kitty vomit. Several hours later another one. I decide to lock the kitty in the back part of the house for her own health.

Two days later (last Friday to be exact) I'm standing in the living room when i hear a funny sound coming from the tree. I turn, look, and realize that I left the damn door open from my room. The at the top of the tree is a brown stripped cat butt. I go to reach for her dumbass and I hear a loud C-R-A-C-K just as the tree and kitty come tumbling to the ground. Ornaments scattered everywhere. The cat got the hell out and ran back to where she was supposed to be to begin with and my tree is laying scattered all over the living room.

So, the mother comes home and we attempt valiantly to put the tree back up. Ginger (the mother) even tried nailing the base (now that it was completely cracked into three seperate pieces) together and then to the wall, floor, and computer desk. It was very ghetto, but it didn't work. So she threw out the tree and put up my seven dollar fiber optic tree from the Dollar Store.

Ghetto I can handle, but dammit I'm NOT Charlie Brown. The more I stared at that little (very pitifull) fiber Optic tree the more pissed off I became. So, I loaded up my little cousins (Ben 9, and Emily 8) and went to Lowe's (I get a discount there still) and let them pick out a tree. We brought it home, put it up, and decorated it.

Ladies and Gentlemen I have the Java the Hut of Christmas trees. I keep expecting some bandage version of Princess Laya to be tied underneath it. It's HUGE, although not very tall bbut it takes up half the wall. It was one of the "cheap" trees, which are supposed to be small *snort* somebody lied to us.
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