(no subject)

Nov 13, 2004 10:59



Kelsey, Parker, Me, and Carmen..not such a good pic...this was when we we're leaving UMBC at 2 am.

Kelsey, Me, and Parker with the UMBC Retriever

Me and MATT WATTS <3 from The Starting Line

Kelsey, Kenny (TSL), Me- he looks like a bum..lol I love this kid!

Me, and Ben-Yellowcard

Me and Pete A.K.A Dawson, Van with Stan- YC

Matty and Parker- I don't know what he's looking at..oh and that's MATT WATTS on the left..lol

Okay.. went and saw Yellowcard, The Starting Line, The Matches, and Craig's Brother with Kelsey Havey and my sister, Carmen at UMBC...we got there around 4:45 and met up with Parker... her friend, Matty came out and gave us VIP passes and we were able to go inside around 5 something so we didn't have to stay in the cold. Watched Sean and Pete of Yellowcard play basketball..they told us they were playing "Who is Worse" lol..I don't know. We were gonna play with them, but Matty and Parker didn't want to play... so we left. We were hanging out in the hallway and LP of YC and MATT WATTS came up and said hi. We went back and hung out in Yellowcard's dressing room, which I thought was funny cause it was the girl's volleyball team room... their "catered buffet" consisted of a veggie platter, sprite, coke, red bull, and chips...oh and a huge ass bowl packed with weed..lol. Then we went and talked to Kenny and MATT WATTS in the Starting Line dressing room..Then we went and watched the sound check..then the show started...I thought it was weird to see so many people I knew..and then I remembered I was at a Yellowcard show... lol. Craig's Brother seemed pretty good, but we missed a lot of their set cause we were walking around backstage and going outside to sell the tickets I had..lol. The Matches played a good set..We went and sat in the seats on the side stage for most of The Starting Line and we went down to the side stage for the rest of it...they played an awesome set.. I love them! Yellowcard played a really good set too..got a lot of songs in and I was glad they played so many old songs.  Towards the end of the YC set, we went outside near the buses cause Carmen and Kelsey wanted to smoke and Kenny came up and talked to us for a little while, then we went back in for the last couple songs..After the show we went to the merch table and talked to Ted from Craig's Brother for about 20 mins..that guy is fucking hilarious..we talked to Ben and Pete from YC for a while too..Ben and Matty look so much alike..it's weird.. We went back outside near the buses and talked to YC's merch guy for a while. He was so awesome..he was this little Scotish boy named Adam (A.K.A  I.N.T.I.A.L. B.O.Y.) Yellowcard was having this huge ass party on their bus and their bodyguard, Terrell said we could go in a little bit when more people left cause it was over-crowded, but I didn't really find any pleasure in partying with YC and a bunch of groupies..but Pete came off the bus and we talked to him for awhile..he introduced us to the deer on his sweatshirt...who he named Stan..Then we saw a Yellowcard shameful moment... These two girls were waiting outside the bus pleading with Terrell to let them in..and LP comes out and points at one and says she can come in and says the other one has to stay outside...so the girl ditches her friend and gets on the bus...what the fuck is the matter with people..we all watched it happened... and were ashamed for LP for being so shallow..oh well.. I guess it should be expected now that they're that MTV mainstream shit that sucks everyone in. We left at 2am cause that was their bus call... All in all it was a fun night and I'm glad I went :)

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