"And we learn as we age. We've learned nothing and my body still aches."

Sep 07, 2004 10:13

This weekend was so much fun...

Saturday, Carmen came to pick me up and we went to Target so I could get a presant for Ava Thomas' baby shower on Sunday, then we went to the 'Town Mall.' Carmen got in this stupid fight with Jon in Deb...very awkward. Then we went back to the apartment to get ready for the show. Me, Carmen, and Jon left around 7:30 for Towson. When we got there we walked around a little and then we saw Joe (from Eat Your Neighbors) then we saw the rest of them and I was introduced. The Happy and the Sad didn't get there until like an hour and a half later. I ran up and gave Jesse (bass player) a hug, I work with him at the Chophouse, then later I saw John [Jabooblescube-haha Lisa] (guitarist/singer) I used to work with him, and we talked a little, he was really tired. The first band was The Frauds, I really liked them, then it was Uncle Joe's Funeral, okay, then Product I think they were called? They were okay, then it was Eat Your Neighbors. I saw them back in June at  the Summer Kickoff and I wasn't too impressed, but they really played an awesome show; they just ended their U.S. tour so I guess they had a lot of practice. Then it was the Happy and the Sad. They were amazing, I'm proud to say I'm friends with half of them, haha. They played at 11:50 and by then Kelsey Havey, Becky, Faisal, Jeremy Hagy, Jake, Nick, Mike, Dan, Brendan Zuniga, Melissa, Stephanie, and Erin from the Chophouse came. So...Jeremy was pretty loaded and he was all rowdy-like and was trying to get me to start a moshpit with him during T.H.A.T.S. set. It was funny..then he was getting all pumped up, and keep in mind that he's Liberty's JV Football coach...he runs up to me to throw me over his shoulders...he bends down, lifts me up over his shoulders, but puts too much muscle in it and just flips me over his shoulder and I land on my back..all I could think to do was laugh! I look around me and there's a circle formed around me of shocked on-lookers. Jeremy is like amazed and him and Nick help me up. Then we both start busting out laughing and then he says, "It's cool though, I think only like the three of us saw that happen.." Bull shit, everyone saw it!  So we go on and on laughing about it and everyone thinks both of us are completely shit-faced, but I hadn't had a single drop of alcohol. Then he runs up and tells Jesse about it and we're all laughing, then he runs up to like hug me or something and he fuckin tackles me to the ground and lands on top of me, so I am, once again, on my back on the floor...and of course, EVERYONE saw it happen, again. It was cool though..Stephanie and her friend got kicked out cause they were underage drinking...Aphile played last and Jon might be their new bass player cause he was kicked out of Infuseon...Everyone was leaving and we got directions to the after party. It was at Jesse's brother's apartment like 5 mins away from the Recher. There was like 30 or so people there when we got there. I was passed a Bud Light can and figured, 'What the hell, might as well' I go outside and socialize a bit with a bunch of people, then I go back inside and I'm sitting on this huge couch with like 8 other people and I'm talking to Nick, Becky, Jake and Zach Bellows, and Jesse's brother, Mike. Then I get up to go outside, and I can't even walk in a straight line! Eat Your Neighbors arrive and the guitarist, Jeff, fucking walks out of the kitchen eating a dog biscuit topped with cheese and ketchup...EWWW! I thought I was gonna throw up on him then and there...gross. I go over to Joe and John and pretty much interupt their conversation, put my arms around them and anounce that I'm drunk. Then John, was like 'I'm gonna walk away cause I don't want to take advantage of you when you're drunk..' That's sweet...I guess..Yeah, so I continue just having a good time and talking to a bunch of people and then Carmen tells me we're leaving, so I hug my Chophouse friends good-bye, then I go into the room that leads to the door and I see Joe sitting on this couch and I hug him good-bye and he's like telling me to be his stand-in in girlfriend or something..I don't know, then I give Jesse this great big hug and John's laying on this bed that like 10 people are standing around. He motions me to come over and hug him good bye so I just fall over onto him and hug him and say that I miss him and kiss him on the cheek, yeah I don't know why, and he's like 'No you don't..' and I'm like 'Yes I do..' then I kiss him on the other cheek, again, I don't know why, then I ask Chophouse Mike to take a picture of us, and being the creepy bastard he is, he is like 'Since you're on the bed, take your shirt off..' EWWWWW. CREEPY!! Then I go to get off the bed, but instead I roll off the bed onto the floor...another drunken shameful moment for me.. So we leave and get in the car and Carmen tells me I left my purse inside so I am escorted by Kelsey to go back in and get it, takes another 10 mins for me to leave again. The thing is, I rarely ever drink, so I end up getting that drunk on only a couple beers..sad. Me, Kelsey, Carmen, and Jon get back to the apartment at like 4:30 and Kelsey and I had to wake up at 8:30 to leave cause Jon's dad was coming over to rennovate or something, I couldn't fall asleep when I got home, so I ran on 4 hours of sleep on Sunday..

Sunday was Ava's baby shower. I meet up with Kelsey Wilhour at the Chophouse and we drive over to Ava's party. The only people I know there are Katie Carneval, Krista, Jill, Dannielle from the Chophouse and Kasey Shabinaw...and Ava. The opening of the presants seemed to last an eternity...and this woman sat right in front of me and Kelsey in this huge rocking chair so I could barely see anyway..Everyone pretty much left after the opening of the presants, so me, Kelsey, Katie, Ava, and Kasey just hung out for like an hour and just talked, it was nice. Ava showed us the apartment addition Mark's parents added to their house for Ava and Mark. It was really nice. Me and Kelsey finally left and went back to the Choppa to drop me off at my car. I went in the Chophouse to get stuff from Carmen. When I get there everyone's asking if I was okay, and Jeremy asked if I bruised or broke any bones. Ha ha. Yeah, and everyone found out I got pretty drunk.. After that I went over to my grandparents house in Westminster cause my great-grand mother was in town. I stayed for a couple hours, got home and fell asleep at 10 and woke up at 10:30 the next day...

Labor Day...consisted of arriving at the Choppa at 12 for a meeting, then cleaning...Our 'treat' was pizza from Dominos, wings from BWB's and open bar..that is, if you're of age. But they did let Kyle Mourick drink cause his 21st birthday was the next day which was cool. So the meeting was long and boring...then the cleaning started...crazy...hostesses were in charge of completely cleaning out the hostess stand which was surprisingly, VERY gross and dirty..I mopped the floor behind it, then got on my hands and knees and scrubbed that bitch cause there was like dried up honey mustard all over the floor..it took us a good 2 hours or so to do it. Everyone 21+ is getting fucking plastered, so all of us underagers feel left out and this girl Melissa gets Mike to buy a bottle of Malibu, so I partake a little and make myself some rum and coke. Melissa announces she's having a party later on, so I go home to freshen up and Kelsey Havey picks me up and we go back to the Choppa cause Melissa's still there waiting for Joe Kanicki to get off. We stop by Ice Planet and Rachel Sparrow gives us free Margarita Snoballs. We hang out at the Choppa for like an hour or so. I watch Jesse, Mike, Nick, bartender Scott, and ghetto Craig play Texas Hold'em. Jokingly I ask Mike to go next door to the liquor store and get me some Tequila for my margarita snoball..and he does it! So me and Kelsey split it. Then I don't know why but I drank a can of Beast Light... GROSS. I put it in a paper cup cause I was underage and I was afraid a manager was gonna yell at me. But then this guy Bull, who's kind of a manager walks up, takes Kelsey's snoball out of her hand and tastes it, then walks away. Then I'm going to get my purse and I see him, so I sit my styrofoam cup down and hope he doesn't see it, but he walks up, looks in it and takes a sip. He looks like he's gonna explode, but all he does is shakes his head and walks away...I ride up with Kelsey to Melissa's house in West Howard County. Her house is freakin HUGE! They're were 3 bathrooms upstairs! Haha, I kept saying that last night. But ghetto Craig rode up with Melissa and me and Kelsey decided he was only good for getting us beer. The story of ghetto Craig is he' white as day and he lets it be known that he's 'from the city.' He's says that like a MILLION times. So much that me and Kelsey turn it into a drinking game, everytime he said the word city, we took a drink. Haha. Carmen showed up with Jon, Jeremy, Joe Glass and Kanicki, Dwayne, Joe Brooks (which is weird cause he's like a permanent sub at Liberty..), Nick, Jesse, Scott, Mike, and a few of Melissa's friends show up. So pretty much I was already a little buzzed from the tequila and rum, then I drink 4 Coors Lights and I'm done. I stagger around with Jeremy, who swore he wouldn't get drunk cause he had class and practice the next day..we supported eachother as we walked to his car to get something, it took us like 10 minutes...we really couldn't walk and it was pitch black. A bunch of the guys played poker and I watched that a little, but lost interest, so I talked to Melissa's friends a bit and me and Jeremy pretty much competed for the drunkest person there... I left with Kelsey around 11. I tried REALLY hard to sober up on the drive home. I got out of the car and couldn't walk straight, so I figured I was definitely going to get caught. But I didn't! I took a lot of drunken pictures, so it'll be interesting getting them back...

Here's where it ends...my mom got voicemails on her work phone from me on saturday at like 2am...and she checked them today and said she knows I was at a party and we'll talk when I get home from work tonight...Son of a bitch...of all the numbers my phone could of accidentally dialed..it had to be her...it's probably like me saying something like 'Why am I so drunk right now?!'...that's how it goes...so i'll probably be in trouble for a while...but you know what? It was worth it..

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