"So come in we're all inside of nothing, the place where we live our lives"

Sep 01, 2004 14:55

At TLC...I feel as if all my entries start out saying this...oh wait...cause they do..Jammin to Early November, haha. Eating Soy Tortilla chips, taste like shit, but I insist on eating them anyway..talking to Matt from Driving In Silence...about creepy close talkers and touchers..haha..

Yeah, so yesterday was the day of CREEPINESS! Creepy Myspace bastard who sends generated messages to everyone in MD IM's me cause he gets my s/n off my page.. He first IMed me on Monday, you know, starting with 'hello sunshine' when I don't know who it is...he tries to get info about me, but I try to sound dull and boring so he'll leave me alone..Example:  Creepy Bastard: "What do you like to do for fun?" Me: Sleep...and sometimes eat"  Creepy Bastard: "Where do you like to hang out?" Me: "My house" and it goes on and he still insists on IMing me the next day (Tues) by starting out saying "How's my asian princess?" Like WHAT THE FUCK?! So I'm talking to Lisa and Joe from EYN about him and then he gives me his number and asks for mine...Me being an ignorant bitch, I decide 'Now's my chance to get him to leave me alone...' and I give him the Rejection Hotline number...I tell Lisa and Joe and they're like 'tell him to call you know and see how he reactes..' so I do...there's a pause..then I get a heart-warming "fuck you" and I'm like "what?" then I get a "dick drive asshole" yeah...I don't get that one either...oh but then I get a "Don't worry, I'll make sure to throw a drink in your face at the Recher show, and believe me, that's the worst I'll do to you..." yeah, that part scared the shit outta me, cause this guy really was a creepy bastard. So Lisa came up here and hung out cause I was afraid he saw on my profile where I work and he signed off, so I thought he was gonna come hunt me down. But yeah If anyone has gotten a message from this guy, STAY THE FUCK AWAY cause he's one CREEPY BASTARD! Cause I know he's sent it to me, Lisa, and Kelsey. I mean, hopefully if you just saw that he's fucking 28 and he's gross looking, you'd stop there, but I don't know..here's his myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=446139&Mytoken=20040831114303

Anyway...yeah, that about does it for me..

On a related note..I'm bored and googled the word 'creepy' cause as you can tell, I've been using it a lot lately, and look what it came up with:

like how fucking creepy is that?! haha, later guys
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