Change Of Pace

Nov 18, 2009 11:37

After all the things that have been happening, I decided to divert down a different path for a while.

I based all my studies, when I was younger, in the performing arts and had office administration as my back up option. As you know, my back up ended up in the forefront and the performing arts took the back seat.

I have now flipped that and have put the acting deal to the front of the line again. It's been a little nerve racking, being out of it for so long, but doors have been opening a lot easier than I ever expected.

I haven't given up on the other side of employment, just looking to improve my situation more. I am seriously sick of being in crappy work situations that I dread doing. I want to combine my lifestyle into making money, like working in something that is a part of me and I enjoy. I think that is the way it should be.

And since I haven't posted a pic of my in a while, here is a recent pic of me at the 2/3 point of my weight loss regime. As you can see, I haven't lost some things (:-P). It is a little bit quirky and not a normal kind of pic, so I think it is more me.

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