late night

Oct 12, 2014 05:12

It is 5 in the morning and I have only just gotten back. I am fatigued but feeling good.

I got a message from a girl, L, who I know from my old dorm building because she lived in the house above mine, asking if I wanted to go out to celebrate her 21st with her. We don't really hang out too often and while she does invite me to things sporatically, I would never have thought I would be on her list of people to invite anywhere. Turns out, the other girl she had originally invited, O, still doesn't have her ID so she was looking for girls to round out her team and although I wasn't first choice, I was still flattered I was one of the backups.

I turned down my old roommate's free bar hour (I've been twice and honestly is not worth doing a third repeat trip) to make this, so of course it took me a while to get down to her apartment down on the south side of the neighborhood. When I finally got down there, there was only one person there, the infamous Jazzy. After a while of just waiting and having them figure out their stuff, Jazzy's roommate arrived and we headed out to meet two other people.

First, I suppose I should point out that out of 6 people who would be there, I would only really know 1 person well, because he was in my dorm house. The birthday girl and her 3 other guy friends I knew too, but not as well since they were in the house above mine.

We went to this bar and it was great. Afterwards, we travelled a ridiculous amount to go to a gay bar that we ended up leaving literally 20 min after entering because most of us were so tired and my feet really hurt because I was trying to break in my shoes and anyway, the floor was sticky and the strobes were disorienting and I was on a peak of awakeness but it was still a trial. We ended up going to my old housemate's apartment because L left her stuff there and it was this tiny little studio. She decided to stay to give my housemate his key back and we booked it back to HP and now here I am.

I'm happy about it though. Although I wasn't as talkative and open as I normally would have been, no where in the night was I ever really uncomfortable enough to want to get up and leave. I checked my phone a lot but it was mostly because I was livestreaming the experience to my roommates; Jazzy is a bit of a celebrity and the Palmer kids I was with are relatively high profile in my social circle. But I learned some stuff about them, like job stuff and future and genetic makeups and it was real and sometimes sad but it was good. I learned stuff about them, I don't know if they learned stuff about me, but they treated me nice and I never felt like I didn't belong. Of course, these are people I've known for 3+ years and they're not strangers to me and we've talked multiple times but we were never like...friend-friends, or we were always people who just lived in the same building. Normally, those kinds of people I would not really feel comfortable going out with and I went because my old housemate said he was going, but it was good. It was nice.

They were also kind of weebs which I guess is why it didn't feel so bad.

I'm tired. I want to write a short fic about a scene I thought was just iconic about us sitting in my housemate's apartment almost in the dark but I know if I wait until morning it might not be as fresh but also it is late and I'm tired. Mm. 

school, late night posts, life

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