Sep 23, 2005 16:34
We had the most intense storm last night. It was insane!!! I have no idea when it start but it must have been sometime after 4:30, because when I went into my class at 4:30 it was nice out and then when I came out at 7 you couldn't see 10 feet front of you. I ran so fast to my car, but still got all wet and I wasn't even that far from the doors. I decided to attempt driving home in that. What is normally a 10-15 minute drive turned into a good 30 minute drive. Our roads were flooding all over the place some with at least a foot of water. There was branches all over the place, flower pots, garbage cans, as well full bags of garbage in the road. It started to hail and the lighting was constant, poring rain like I have never seen and the wind was very strong. I can not even imagine what it's like to be in a Hurricane. That was enough of a taste of bad weather for me. Our power ended up going out for a good 5 hours, so I went to see Eric since they had power. Anyway I'll update more later.