Jun 08, 2011 22:09
1) I finally got my tax refund the other day! Hooray for rather large checks! I then had to sit down and write out a list of all the things we wanted to do with this money. There's a bunch and a lot of them are boring grownup things, but we are definitely taking a little bit of it and having fun with it. Yayyyyyyy moneys.
2) I just did a small friends cut, just people I wasn't really feeling a connection with. No hard feelings or anything, and I don't hold any grudges if you want to remove me either.
3) Speaking of lj, I just posted an entry to my sexy filter. If you can't read it and you're someone who doesn't mind open, honest conversations about sex and other such personal topics, then let me know, and I'll add you to it.
4) There is ice cream in the freezer and it is calling my name. I think I shall answer it. :D
money money money