it is clearly time for an update. i'm not sure what exactly i have to say but it'll all come out.
first of all, i got home from work today to find a lizard in my room. or maybe it's a newt/salamander, i'm not quite sure, but whatever it is, it was in my bedroom, just chilling on my carpet. like so:
WTF was he doing in my ROOM???? aaaaaaa. everyone told me i should name him, and my dad suggested hector. riiiight. anyway, know how there's a picture of him? because i got my spiffy awesome amazing digital camera. :D FINALLY. it's really tiny and it's red and adorable and i love it.
this is what it looks like. i'm not terribly skilled at taking pictures with it yet, so i'll start posting them more frequently once i start taking better pictures. but i'm still really excited to have it. and it uploads to my computer really quickly, which is a plus.
work's getting frustrating and tiresome, which makes me glad we've only got a few days left. however, what is not good is that we've only got a few days left and i've still got no idea what i'm doing with my stuff for the two weeks i'll be off campus. hmmmm. hopefully i'll figure something out. i was just going to put my stuff in the review office, because i figured it'd be fine and out of the way there, but they're moving my office. damn you, mark constantine! i mean, i'll still have an office, but i have no idea when they'll actually be moving it, soooo yeah.
on a completely different note, i've been feeling lately that i would really like to just have a random hook up. rachel and i had a conversation that i think pretty well sums that up, and it was really great to talk to someone who totally understood where i was coming from.
winding road06: we can find some cute non-townies, right?
mk donut 137: haha exactly
mk donut 137: well.. i hope!
winding road06: lol me too . . . because i really don't want another relationship yet, but it might be fun to play around a little, y'know?
mk donut 137: yes, exactly!
mk donut 137: WM guys fall TOO OFTEN into the 4 g's which is depressing
winding road06: the 4 g's?
mk donut 137: gay, geek, greek or girlfriend (as in, already has one!)
mk donut 137: greek is sometimes substituted with the "god" category, as in the guy either thinks he's a god or has devoted his life to God and doesn't date
winding road06: hahahaha, that's sooooo funny
winding road06: but also true
mk donut 137: i know!
mk donut 137: there are too many gay guys on campus, seriously
winding road06: there are too many asshats on campus, too
mk donut 137: yes seriously
mk donut 137: it sucks
winding road06: but that's okay . . . i just want a little fun for now . . . so we just need to find one who's reasonably attractive and a good kisser and i'll be set
mk donut 137: lol
mk donut 137: yes, therein lies the trouble looking in williamsburg
winding road06: hahaha
winding road06: aaaaaaaaugh
winding road06: you'd think it wouldn't be quite so difficult
winding road06: bah
mk donut 137: i mean we could always party with some old friends of mine if you were willing to enter townie territory, or i AM living right next to the frats next year after all
mk donut 137: yes it is terrible i'll admit
winding road06: haha true
winding road06: lol, it's all good
mk donut 137: additionally, you don't want to repeat my semester haha some of my hookups are just not worth remembering
winding road06: hahaha, no i don't
winding road06: but a couple wouldn't be bad
mk donut 137: a couple weren't bad
mk donut 137: hmmm
winding road06: i'm sure i'll be fine . . . i just kind of want some action, haha, and i am not ready to start dating again
mk donut 137: i completely understand
mk donut 137: like seriously
winding road06: haha, thanks
mk donut 137: pretty much i always liked dan, but i was not ready to be ANYBODYS girl
mk donut 137: in january when we hooked up on new years i mean
mk donut 137: but see? that worked out, when i was ready and so now its all good
winding road06: hehe, right
mk donut 137: but it wouldn't have been possible even just a few months after breaking up with robert
mk donut 137: so its good to have some downtime/random play, lol
winding road06: exactly!
mk donut 137: you learn to stand on your own two feet emotionally i think, i dunno its hard to explain, haha you're the psych major
winding road06: lol, no, but you totally understand where i'm coming from here
mk donut 137: exactly :-)
sooo yeah, that's that. i'm sorry, i feel like this entry is rather disjointed/incoherent, but i don't really feel good and it's making it hard to concentrate. hopefully i'll feel better tomorrow, because we're supposed to be going to busch gardens as our end-of-summer thing. although it's supposed to be a secret, but everyone knows about it anyway. definitely going to bed way early tonight. love you all!