Tiny Bingo challenge: complete!

Jan 30, 2013 19:06

The January mini-challenge for
kink_bingo is Tiny Bingos, which are bingos consisting of teeny tiny fanworks! It's a fun one, and great for people like me who find it easier to make something smaller/shorter rather than bigger/longer.

For this bingo I used communal Kink Bingo card #10. The kinks are (in order): double penetration, rough body play, mirrors/doubles, authority figures, and gender play.

FIC Untitled drabble, Teen Wolf (TV), Derek/Stiles/Lydia, mature.

As Derek fucked him from behind, Stiles wondered how his night could get any better. Then Lydia showed him her shiny new strap-on.

VID Thwack, Teen Wolf (TV), Scott/Stiles, teen.

image Click to view

Download at Mediafire: 3MB .wmv

ICON One icon, Disney's Gargoyles, Owen Burnett and Preston Vogel, all audiences.

I like how, in this scene, Vogel is vehemently denying any connection to Owen while Owen smirks smugly :-P

PICSPAM Power Trip, Misfits, Lola/Curtis, all audiences.

"Is this some kind of power trip to you?"

"Now he's getting it."

VID Zerophilia in Ten Seconds, Zerophilia, Michelle|Max, teen.

image Click to view

Download at Mediafire: 1MB .wmv

vid: zerophilia, icon(s), fic: teen wolf, misfits, vid: teen wolf, picspam, disney's gargoyles, kink_bingo

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