Art, "Begging" (Fandom Anthropomorphic)

Nov 01, 2012 01:29

Fandom: Fandom Anthropomorphic
Rating: All audiences
Content: One handrawn image, a comic depicting the Teen Wolf fandom begging the Teen Wolf Powers That Be to make Sterek (the popular Stiles/Derek pairing) canon.
Notes: Made for
kink_bingo 2012 for my begging square ( card here). This is silly, but hear me out. I saw a post on tumblr not too long ago which was a quote from Joss Whedon. It was something about not giving viewers what they think they want - he cited Sam and Diane - and a tumblr user had responded by basically saying, "See, Teen Wolf fandom? Stop begging for Sterek to happen!" I can't find the post now, of course, since I didn't think to save it, but this idea has been stuck in my head ever since.

A transcript of the speech bubbles:

TEEN WOLF FANDOM: Can Sterek be canon?

TEEN WOLF PTB: Sterek? Maybe.

TWF: Please?

TWPTB: Hmm. How much do you want it?


TWPTB: I don't know . . .

TWF: I'll give you anything you want!

TWPTB: Anything?

TWF: Anything. Please!

kink_bingo, art: fandom anthropomorphic

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