Birthday Gifts, Including Photos, and Iron Man 3

May 08, 2013 20:58

First, a birthday update!

I had a good one, over-all. Here is a list of gifts:

- Jb Hi-Fi vouchers, used to buy Skyfall, Archer Season 3 and Les Miserables
- Several different necklaces
- Bvlgari perfume
- Chocolate
- Money
- Gold Class movie tickets
- Wine
- $300 worth of new fancy underwear and bras

Mom paid for me to have my eyes tested and to get new glasses. My prescription hasn't changed, but I did need new glasses because my old ones were all scratched.

Photo of Glasses.

Tonight when I got home from work, I discovered a new little black moor in my goldfish tank. XD He's part of Gwen's gift. He's been named Erebus.

There are still a few more late gifts to come.

Eleanor is staying with Nick and I while Mom's house is being renovated. She's settled in well, and likes watching the fish tanks. (Don't worry, she won't be able to get any of the fish.) I love having her around.

In other news, we went to see Iron Man 3 for my birthday and I loved it. I wrote a review for it for avland and I'll copy and post it here.


So, I think Iron Man 3 is AWESOME and I can't wait to see it again!

What did people think about the twist about the Mandarin? I wasn't expecting it and I think it was interesting. Nick has been reading stuff online about people who didn't understand that plot twist, or somehow missed Guy Pierce's character shouting at Tony "I AM THE MANDERIN!"

The Extremis stuff was scary, and I think the glowing eyes were especially creepy. I find it amusing how they just hand-waved that Tony "fixed" Pepper of it though. Part of me wished that she was able to keep the superpowers, but without the risk of blowing up. Sounds like there's a fic or something there.

Speaking of Pepper, she was AMAZING! I loved seeing her in the suit and I love that she saved Tony's life a bunch of times.

I loved Bruce's cameo at the end of the credits. I had serious squee because I love the science-bromance.

JARVIS had his own Christmas stocking. <3 ... I wonder what Tony would've put in it? My heart broke a little when JARVIS went to "sleep" after the house blew up and Tony crashed in the snow.

I loved also the Tony/Pepper bits. Poor Tony with his PTSD and nightmares and panic attacks... oooh but think of the fics that can be written about that! (I came out of this movie with several fic ideas as you can tell. Bring on the next Avland fanfic challenge!)

I think it's interesting how they stripped Tony down again - no home, no suit, nothing but his brain and some help from a kid. Yet he was still awesome.

I admit I'm sad to see the arc reactor go. *frowny face* I get why they did it, but still... he had accepted it as a part of him. Though if he was going to get rid of all the suits so he'd have no more distractions, then I guess the arc reactor had to go as well.

Half the time I kind of expected Nick Fury to call him and ask if they should send Steve over or something. I think they just figured he'd handle this on his own just fine. Does he need S.H.I.E.L.D? Naaaaah.

I can't think of any other major things to post about at the moment.

Random Quote:

"Little one, I would like to see anyone - prophet, king or God - persuade a thousand cats to do anything at the same time." - Neil Gaiman, Sandman #18: "A Dream of a Thousand Cats".

birthday, avengers, fish, pic, movie review

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