Toys! Toys! Toys!

Aug 01, 2015 00:31

It's been a while since I posted here, mainly because no one else seems to anymore, however, I still have some things that I want to talk about. Namely... TOYS!!!

Or more specifically, the reveals at SDCC a few weeks ago.

I remember back in 2009 when MOTUC was all shiny and new and how some people didn't see the concept of a monthly figure by mail lasting that long, but here we are in 2015, by December we will have had 7 full years of MOTUC. That is by itself quite the achievement for any toy line to last 7 full years.

Though this isn't the 80's anymore, where 7 years of a single toyline would have meant a boat load of vehicles to go along with it, MOTUC still has managed to accomplish something pretty great, even if there have been some quality control errors along the way.

But with 2015 bringing a close to the vintage He-Man and She-Ra lines, things have been scaled back slightly. Or so we are led to believe at this point as in past years there has always been more potential product being shown come February.

MOTUC has undergone some management changes since the end of 2014 and we had a brand new crew of people showing us what 2016 and beyond would have in store for us at SDCC.

The remainder of 2015 is wrapping up the vintage He-Man and She-Ra lines, along with He-Man's son, Dare/He-Ro II. As well as Point Dread with the Talon Fighter and a Filmationesque Teela.

2016 will see 7 figures and 2 oversized slots, Darius, Crita and Tuskador from New Adventures. Horde Wraiths from the 200x cartoon. Lord Masque and Vultak from the vintage cartoons. Despara from the new comics. And Night Stalker from the toyline.

There's also probably going to be a chase figure with Anti He-Man. All in all, product has been reduced to a bi-monthly state, which I'm very sad about.

However, the big surprise was that we are getting a Filmation (mostly) accurate sub-line, which I think is fabulous news! He-Man, Skeletor, Beast Man, Trap Jaw, Evil-Lyn and Evil Seed. It remains to be seen if we'll get semi-annual bonuses.

And of course there's a little thing called Snake Mountain on the way at the end of 2016 as well.

I have to say I don't have any real complaints with these reveals other than we are getting less product, but I am hoping for a third mini-sub to be offered in 2016 for the later half of the year.

However with the acquisition of the Thundercats license, I'm left to wonder if perhaps that is what we will get for a third mini-sub as the initial first 7 figures will be released starting next July.

I'm really crossing my fingers and hoping for more MOTU product, I'd really be happy if they simply decided to release a couple of New Adventures 3-packs, despite hating that line while growing up, I have warmed up considerably to it in my later years. Sort of like warming up to *Masters in Transformers.

Despite a lot of awesome product being revealed, it seems like the new management is taking potshots at the old management and is breaking promises that were made to those who subscribed.

Anyone who subscribed in prior years had early access to any SDCC exclusives once it went for sale on Mattycollector, however, there was no early access this year and many subscribes missed out on acquiring the Rotar vs Twistoid 2-pack. People are hoping that some stock will be left over for their end of the year sale.

Also we were promised 200x King Hiss' snake torso for free by the end of the year if we subscribed for 2015. However that appears to have been forgotten amidst the shuffle of management change and we now have to pay for something that was promised to us earlier in 2014, with what is clearly a quick afterthought.

Even though things are continuing, it's not looking good when the new management seems to be fumbling about.

I'm really looking forward to 2016 and here's hoping that at this time next year, we'll have some product being offered for 2017 from Mattel because I'm not ready to quit collecting figures in the MOTUC scale, plus I want this line to reach the 10 year anniversary.

I still got another 100 unique characters left in me and maybe another 50 variants before I'm ready to call it a day. Besides, this line can't stop until we have Mantisaur for Hordak and the Tyrantisaurus Rex for King Hiss.
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