
Jan 18, 2015 00:30

So, it looks like the Juggernaut will be returning to the X-Books in the following weeks. Apparently the current arc of Amazing X-Men is the return of Cyttorak's avatar, though who will end up being the Juggernaut remains to be seen.

I guess with the way Marvel has been going, it will be someone brand new. I don't envision Colossus regaining the power and for some reason, I feel like with Xavier dead, Cain Marko is just this after thought in the Marvel Universe right now.

Plus when you look at how so many established heroes have been swept aside so that other people can pick up the mantle they started, it's pretty easy to come to a conclusion that when the Juggernaut persona comes back, it will be someone new.

Which kind of sucks if that's the case, I love the Cain Marko Juggernaut, he is easily in my top 3 favorite Marvel characters list. I can only imagine at some point, Cain Marko will regain the Juggernaut powers, but with how things are being run at Marvel right now, I'm not holding out much hope for this to happen soon.

Marvel right now kind of feels like the Silver Age DC, where what was established before is just being swept aside for something new.

But at least on the bright side, Juggernaut is now playable on Marvel Heroes and on Super Hero Squad Online, I can get my Juggernaut fix in those games! And in both games, he's a pretty top tier character for the time being.

He's easily one of the strongest on SHSO online and I think he actually is the tankiest with the most health out of anyone.

As for Marvel Heroes, he's great too. Really strong and hard to kill.

Speaking of things that are hard to kill, it looks like Deadpool is going to 'die' once more as his current series comes to an end in April with issue #45. I have to say, having Deadpool 'die' at the end of his series is getting old, even if he will be back with another solo run, probably after his movie in 2016.
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