In our new home

Oct 15, 2008 12:30

Pics to come in about a week.

On Friday Chris went into work but found out his company was on a 4-day pass so he was off again until yesterday. We ventured out and about. Saturday morning we took Puff to Petsmart to get her feet trimmed and her nails clipped. Her nails have gotten out of hand because the groomers never take the time to be patient with her. I have unpacked her grinder so maybe I'll give it a shot again. Sunday we got Chris a new set of golf clubs.
     Monday we left the hotel finally. We got to Ft Meade and took possession of our new home. During the walk through there were a few things noted to be worked on by maintenance who came by today and got most of the items taken care of.
     Two things I don't like - the laundry room is also my hot water heater/furnace room and it has to be the most poorly put together space I have ever seen. My washer and dryer barely fit and they are kind of wedged in on an angle. Pics to come. 
     The other thing I'm not keen on is the bathroom. There is barely any counter. Thank goodness I have that white stand that I kept next to my front door, it is actually a bathroom stand so once the leg is finished gluing back onto it (movers broke it) I'll put it in there.
    But I like the kitchen, I have so many cupboards and a storage closet in the kitchen that I'm going install shelving in to use as a pantry. The living room is so big my entertainment stand that seemed so big at the other house seems tiny. Plus I can set up a dining room at the opposite end near the kitchen. The master bedroom is huge, lots of big windows everywhere in the house.
    The movers came Monday afternoon and made a mess and put a gouge in the plaster heading upstairs but it isn't too bad. I keep finding little things that are broken/scratched/whatever. I need to get a clip board and paper to make a couple lists - damages from movers, repairs left around the house, things I need to buy, things to be done. Busy!
     The commissary is huge and great prices the little that I've seen. Milk is $2 a gallon! Haven't checked the prices of fresh meat but so far it is all pretty much cheaper than Ft Hood. Gas is cheaper as well. The PX kinda sucks but there is a BB&B and a Best Buy and such within about 5 minutes of the base.
     Everything is so close on base because the base is absolutely tiny. I love looking out the windows, my little court is cute and kids play out there in the afternoon. Out back is more trees and green. 
    Anyway, I should get my butt in gear. Oh - the reason for no pics - my parents are coming with my bedroom furniture from Canada so the bedroom won't be set up until after Saturday. We're using the bed we used in Killeen but it will be going into the guest/office room. Our living room furniture will be here in one week - on Wednesday. I may be able to take pictures of the kitchen. It is unpacked, just has to be tidied up and the last bits taken care of. Plus I am making a new table cloth. My first project on my new sewing machine.
     Off to tackle more clothes boxes (mind you I don't have my dressers from Canada yet so no where to put my undies etc!).

unpacking, pcs, purchases/shopping, sofia, maryland, ft meade, moving, home

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