Mar 19, 2007 21:09
yea so i went out this past weekend to a a show, it was great. i was starting to remember what it was like to not have kids and to be able to go out and have a good time. it actually made me kinda sad cause when the night was over it was like why so soon? i just want to be 19 and have fun and go out and all that. but its my fault i did it to myself and i know that but whatever. i just wish i knew then what i know now ya know? i dont regret my kids but ya know what i mean, i just wish i had waited or been more careful ya know. i feel like i am missing out on my youth completely and it sucks cause you only get one life and once its over it is completely over you can never go back ya know. so if any of you are reading this please do me a favor, enjoy being young and never think twice about going out and doing what your heart tells you to do because someday it will be over and you will have missed out on your chance to do whatever it is you wanted to do, and trust me you will regret it. so many things i wanted to do so many places i wanted to go and i lost out on every chance, dont let that happen to you, you have so much time later in life to play mommy and housewife. go to europe and backpack, go dancing everynight for a month just cause you can. take pictures wherever you go cause sometimes there are memories that are to good to forget. well remember what i said and please do all those tings and follow your dreams no matter where they may take you, goodnight.