Title: Call me Lucky
Author: Leia/Camshaft22
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 AU
Rating: R
Notes: I don't own anything, not even my car. This is for
stargateland and fan bingo. This is a continuation of the Guerrilla Warfare AU
Word count: 283
Prompt: Scars
Jonas looked over at Cam as he brought him some of the homemade hooch. “Thanks,” he said as he took a large drink. “So, you’ve almost died… how many times?”
“Um… in the last year?”
“Is this a common thing for you?” Jonas asked.
Cam shrugged. “Seems like,” he said with a sigh. “I’ve had an interesting life.”
“Appears so,” Jonas said. “So, how many times in the last year?”
“Ten. We’ve been doing a lot of destabilization behind enemy lines. I keep getting in trouble,” Cam told him with a laugh as he pulled up his shirt and showed some of his scars.
Jonas’ jaw dropped. “By the Ancestors…”
“It hurt like a fucker,” Cam said with a grin. “But I’m alright.”
“You are pretty lucky… how long did it take you to recover?” Jonas asked.
“Well, I had Vala. She’s was once a host… she joined the SGC after an interesting start. I can tell you more about it another time… but she had a healing device. Vala definitely saved my life.”
“That’s good.”
“She’s a sweetheart. I sorta wish Daniel would give her a chance,” Cam told him.
“Daniel… He’s interesting. After everything I guess with everything it’s hard to trust.”
“Yeah, but anyway, I do what I have too. If I die, then I die. At least one more world won’t be enslaved to the Ori.”
Jonas nodded and took a long drink of the hooch. “Well, I hope we don’t die too soon.”
“Me either,” Cam said with a grin.