Revenge served cold (helpthesouth fic)

Sep 11, 2011 00:25

Title: Revenge served Cold
Author: Leia/Camshaft22
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/SG-1
Rating: PG
Notes: I don't own anything, not even my car. For karraparis. I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,249

Initialization in 5…4…3…2..

System Check… Operational

She opened her eyes and looked at the human before her. “What is the meaning of this?”

“I’ve woken you up. Before you kill me, please,” the man in the clean pressed suit told her.” Please, listen to what I have to say before you kill me.”

“Speak, human,” she ordered.

“We have a common enemy, a common foe that must be taken care of. The enemy that we share,” he told her as he looked at her. “I know you hate them as much as we do. But we can do something. Together.”

“I’ve linked myself with your computer systems. This is Earth,” she told the human. “You wish me to do what?”

“Can you create Nano machines? Control the people within, use them as your drones?” he asked.

She tilted her head. “Fascinating. This had not occurred to me previously,” she said with a thoughtful purse of her lips.

“The SGC is a problem in both our backsides. Control them and you’ll have no more obstacles,” he told her.

“You betray your kind. What is your name?”

“Jonathan Yates. You’re Repli-Carter, right? The Replicator made in her image? I don’t care what you do once you’ve taken them down.”

Repli-Carter looked at him. “I no longer feel the need to kill. But this will be a fitting revenge I believe,” she told him.
“Let’s move forward.”


Cam swallowed, feeling like he was running a fever. He glanced at Vala who already had her head on the table.

“Hey. Do you feel sick?”

“A little… I’m achy and Daniel told me to go away. He’s even crankier than usual,” Vala told him with a half-hearted pout.

“I’ve got a fever… Maybe we caught the same cold,” Cam said as he started eating his cereal. “After this, we can go to Lam, have her check us out.”

Vala nodded, not arguing for once. Cam knew she had to be sick if she didn’t argue. He felt a pressure at the back of his skull and opened his mouth to say something as all of a sudden he couldn’t. He continued to eat as Vala sat up, her face expressionless. He tried to stop himself as his body moved on its own. Cam heard the sound of mumbling in the back of his mind, information going into the his brain as he realized in cold horror that he had been taken over and was no longer driving his own body.

Everyone in the mess hall stood as one, all having a new task.


Repli-Carter stood in the Control Room, feeling her drones as they destroyed all that could harm her and as they worked to make this place stronger. It would be needed as they prepared. She turned as the Drone Landry approached.

“It’s time, One.”

“Of course. Carry on as normal. I need to be allowed into their city.”

“As you wish, One.”

Drone Samantha approached her; Repli-Carter looked at her, seeing the differences that the years had made. There was a certain sort of satisfaction as she noticed how Samantha had gotten older and she was unchanged.

“One, the city of the Ancients is on Earth,” Drone Samantha told her as Repli-Carter linked with her and lived her experiences there.

“That is an excellent suggestion, Drone. I see your plan,” she said with a nod. “Continue with this course until I tell you further.”

“As you wish, One,” Drone Samantha said as she went to her task.


Samantha smiled as she started the video conference with Atlantis and Dr. Rodney McKay. She met his eyes as he greeted her.

“Sam, finally. Do you have any idea when we’re heading back to Pegasus? We need to return, get back there-”

“McKay,” Samantha started fondly as he stopped. “We’re still working on it. You know it’s out of my hands,” she told him.

“I know, but seriously, Sam, we need to get this done. The IOA can’t keep dragging their feet like this anymore.”

“I know. I agree. How about I come over, see what I can do, maybe I can sweet talk the IOA and General O’Neill into letting you go home,” Sam told him sweetly.

Rodney frowned; opening his mouth then shut it again. “Please? Your word would be really good,” he said, confusion dawning into his eyes. He typed something very quickly on his console.

Samantha nodded. “It would be a pleasure, McKay,” she told him. “I need to speak with Mr. Woolsey,” Samantha requested.

“Oh, yeah, definitely. I’ll uh, I’ll get him,” Rodney told her as he left the conference.


“Porter,” Rodney said, finally catching up to the woman he hired just because of her expertise with computers and organic technology. He looked into her lab space, trying to get her attention.

“Yes, Dr. McKay?” Dr. Alison Porter asked as she looked up, noticing him for the first time.

“Tell me what you think of these readings,” he told her, handing her his pad.

“I’m… I’m not sure. Are these human readings?” Alison asked.

“That’s what I’m not sure about. Stay close. I might need you really soon,” Rodney told her as he left her lab, leaving her looking confused.


It had been a few days since his discussion with Sam. Rodney scowled, waiting for them to beam in, having checked the security protocols himself. He just hoped they worked like he planned on them working; otherwise this was going to be a complete disaster. He watched as Sam and Colonel Mitchell materialized in the middle of the Gate room. Rodney watched as Colonel Mitchell took a step forward as a force field sprang up around him and Sam, trapping them.

“What’s going on, Shep?” Cam asked, looking alarmed as he touched the force field. “What are you doing?” he demanded as the Marines aimed at the two of them.

“Don’t worry, Mitchell. Just relax,” John told him. “Are you ready, Rodney?”

“Ready when you are, Sheppard,” Rodney said as he looked at Porter. She nodded and looked towards where the Colonels were trapped.

“Fire!” John ordered as the Marines fired the energy weapon at them as both Samantha and Colonel Mitchell collapsed.

“Are they alright?” Rodney asked as he and Porter rushed to their sides, shutting off the force fields.

“Yes… they’re breathing!” Porter exclaimed as she checked their vitals and scanned over them as she took several readings.

“We should get them to the Infirmary…,” Jennifer said as some of the nurses moved the two of them onto stretchers.

“Go,” John ordered. “We need to take this to the SGC before they adapt,” he told them as Rodney nodded, watching as John lifted his hand. “Caldwell, we need a beam into the SGC now.”

“Hold on, Colonel,” Caldwell told him as they were beamed out of Atlantis and into the SGC.

Repli-Carter looked surprised as her mouth opened and they fired upon her, all her drones fainting and falling over as she fell apart and turned to dust.


Lt. Andrea Isbell opened her eyes, lying in a hotel room 50 miles outside of Colorado Springs. She snarled and bared her teeth as Repli-Carter took over her mind and body.

“I underestimated Atlantis. However, this will not occur again. I will have my revenge.”


rodney mckay, john sheppard, stargate sg-1, samantha carter, stargate atlantis, stargate, helpthesouth

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