Next round! Sian's round is still open, so if you haven't hit that up yet, please do so! We're good there. ♥
- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!
Now VOTE. Closed!
good morning, camp! )
Comments 29
Francis, your canon section is a bit on the long side, but that was definitely him in the sample and both the canon and the sample cracked me up. You're awesome.
Doc Worth, your canon didn't prepare me for the voice in the app, and I didn't take "Australian" from it. I took ... well, not that, and it actually unsettles me a little that you hung the incoming accent on that? (Or that's how it seems to me.) I was confused, and honestly ... it reads more Scottish, ala Shrek, than Aussie. I'm sure this is an issue with the canon itself, but I guess I would've appreciated more preparation.
If this is a canon thing, let me know! I'll change my vote, but right now, it's ... yeah. Australian people don't speak like that. (Neither do Scottish people, hence the Shrek comparison.)
EDITED TO ADD: Even with my quibbles above, the voices on the apps in this round were incredible. Every single one had a distinct voice. I was really impressed.
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