[Today, set up in the mess hall! Have a mountie. He's at a table towards the front, and has two clipboards, a pile of baggies full of pemmican, and an array of little whittled wood carvings.
There are also BROWNIES.]
I beg your pardon! Ladies, gentlemen, those of you in between... if you might lend me your ears.
It has been brought to my attention that there are multitudes of campers, both new arrivals and previous, who are having difficulty acquiring residence. So if you would? I have two lists here, if you know you have room in your cabin -- or whatever shelter you call home -- would please step up and inform me of the number of spaces, and if you have any requirements for those who would move in. Pet owners and smokers come immediately to mind! And those of you who need a home, come tell me a bit about yourself so I can place you appropriately.
Perhaps we'll all make some new friends!
[...did I mention brownies?]
((OOC: The cabin list is
HERE if you aren't sure how many spaces you have. You are also welcome to just comment there for a camp-issued assignment, of course.
ETA: Had an accident, will be back to place everyone tonight.))