itp: comedic VIOLENCE?

Jun 20, 2010 03:51

[maybe you just had your evening tea. or sat down to read something. or even had gone to sleep. whatever it is, or even WHEREVER it is, you are now rudely interrupted by something sounding like a roar from the darkest abyss, along with crashing sounds of destruction.

investigate, and you'll find Jo standing by a nearly destroyed barn (not to worry, it was empty), breathing heavily, looking as if she might strangle something or someone any minute. please don't mind the OMINOUS DARK AURA AROUND HER]

. . . it's not there . . . it's gone . . .

[ooc: I ENCOURAGE MINGLING, as she's sort of a loose canon right now and might be dangerous to approach, and only because she lost something! It's probably something just as inane as you can think of. I want comedic violence for this post, if possible! Too bad Kyouhei isn't in camp :|

ETA: I'm sorry, I've got a migraine coming on and I'm derping out on this for now. I WILL PICK UP new and old threads after I've gotten some sleep.]
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