[And suddenly, should you choose to watch it, your laptop plays a video full of disturbing imagery and symbolism... or it would, if Excel had gotten around to actually making one. Instead you get a random link to the
Ringu curse video or maybe an Excel Saga
music video that's doing it wrong or maybe an episode of
Sexy Commando, just because I like it.
Oh, and did your characters have a phone? BECAUSE THEY DO NOW. Or maybe the laptops are ringing. I dunno. Alls I know is that the voice says...]
Seven minutes... or your money back! With the patented Excel Crawling Out of a Well Curse Plan, you'll have the fastest and most efficient demise in the industry! Remember, when you think hauntings: THINK EXCEL!
((Excel, still deceased, has managed to pick up a part-time job as an evil psycho-ghost. Also, despite still being dead, she is now visible to everyone!))