(no subject)

Jun 25, 2006 22:50

Haah, so. It's been a while since I did anything along the lines of a "welcome to camp" post. Though someone probably already did one this round...

Anyway, here's some general information, people you'll probably talk to when you first arrive, looking for something or wanting to know something.

- This is Ari, he runs the camp store, which isn't far from the mess hall. He'll take curency from most worlds, or else you can pay him favors or by working it off. Just understand that he can't guarantee anything he'll order will arrive. Also, he doesn't order things bigger than himself.

- Respectively, Kabuto, Simon, Umeda and Ryuuken. They're all medics of various types and abilities. Most of the 'diseases' around camp can't be cured by a doctor. But if you get your ass kicked, I don't think any of them have ever turned down helping an injured person. Uh. Kabuto lives in a cabin, but usually shows up if you need him (he's a ninja) and the other three live in the hospital. The hospital is the biggest building around here, so you can't really miss it. Also, the hospital usually has free beds if you can't find anywhere else to stay, just ask the docs before you set up there, and keep in mind that next time someone goes crazy and it takes half the camp to take them down again, you might be kicked out when the beds are needed.

- The priests, though I can't tell you if religion actually matters to any of them, I'm pretty sure they'll at least humor you if it matters to you. Mostly the last two - Wolfwood and Sanzo - have been here a while and know most of the people in camp, and will usually help if you need it. And the first one, Allen, will always help, plus he gives a nice eulogy if you're planning on having an extended death.

- My Master, Izumi Curtis, and Minegawa. They're the camp cooks and make breakfast, lunch and dinner in the mess hall every day. Food here isn't usually safe unless it's caught, cooked and prepared yourself. But if you eat at the mess hall, most of the time nothing weird will happen to you.

- The first one is me, you're helpful guide, Edward Elric, and the next is my little brother, Al. We're alchemists. And if you don't know what that is, forget about it, I'm tired of explaining. Basically we can make things, so if there's something you can't order from the store for some reason, you can ask us about it. No promises though.

Also, even though we built a lot of the buildings here, most of them have been uh. Crashed into. Camp stuff. Anyway we can't make cabins or houses anymore, and we're lucky the hospital is still standing. So if you need rooms, don't come to us, you'll have to make it on your own.

- Colonel Roy Mustang. As far as I can tell he doesn't actually do anything, so you'll probably see him around. Usually flirting. He's from the same world as Al and I, and is called the Useless Alchemist back home.

- Russel Tringham and his little brother Fletcher. They're alchemists too, and when Russel isn't doing something to piss me off, he and his brother have a green house full of safe to eat fruit and vegetables. Talk to one of them before you start stealing from it.

- Gwengwen. He makes stuffed animals on request.

- Caesar. He's new, which is probably why he wants to organize a way out of here. Hoenstly, a lot of the people have given up trying to force a way out. But if you're still determined to manage it, Caesar's apparently interested in actually organizing attempts. Talk to him about it before you annoy anyone else.

Everyone else on this list is more of a warning than anything. For the most part, we haven't had any random, sociopathic killings in a while, and I think most of those guys are gone.

- Emilio. I haven't actually talked to him but apparently he hits on everything that moves, even worse than Mustang.

- Ling. A dangerous guy from our world, but at least not as dangerous as Envy was. Still, don't let him make you think otherwise, he's definitely a bad guy, Tomo.

- Ash. Just don't accept any dairy protects from him. Trust me.

- Mal. Occationally waves guns at people, but he's still got a lower kill count than some here.

- Tomo. Not actually dangerous, but you'll probably see her around. Plus, I'll hear about it if I make a post full of people at camp and don't include her in it.

And finally, welcome to camp.
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